Chapter 1: Will You Marry Me?!

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One night, Night Raven College...

Epel, dressed in a white suit asks, "Please, will you marry me?!"

Then Ace says, "Don't bother lookin' at any other guys. Marry me!" also dressed in a red plaid suit and his hair is brushed back.

And then there's Riddle, he's wearing a dark red suit, "Would you give me your hand in marriage?"

And lastly, Rook, "Mon trésor, I implore you to allow me to be your eternally devoted love."

Seeing it, it makes you wonder why the four boys are all dressed up and are asking for someone's hand in marriage.

How it all started...

In the Ramshackle Dorm, Briar and the others are starting with their cleaning.

As usual, Grim complains, "This stinks! I don't wanna do a buncha lousy cleanin'!"

"The sooner you stop whining, the sooner it gets done," Jasper says.

"That's right. We're all pitched in to clean and we played to decide on which of us is doing what," Tanzanite says.

Grim however, is not hearing it, "C'mon, one more game, double or nothin'—"

Suddenly, someone shouts, "NOW SEE HERE!"

"Myah?!" Grim yelps as everyone screams in fright.

Briar and the others turn to see a group of ghosts, and each of them are wearing white suits and wearing hats on their heads.

One of the ghosts says, "What are you filthy vermin doing here?"

"Oh, it's just one of our usual ghosts..." Grim says.

But Tanzantie says, "Wait Grim, those don't look like our ghost friends."

Seeing them, Grim says, "You're right. This one's sportin' a totally different getup."

Then the ghost says, "This domicile is the princess's guesthouse. Outsiders are strictly forbidden!"

" Princess?" Sereia says, confused.

"What princess? And what's this "do-mi-seal" stuff you're jabberin' about?" Grim asks, not understanding, "Fling those fancy words around all you want. This is MY dorm, meanin' YOU'RE the outsider, bub!"

This makes the ghosts angry, "How patently absurd. This manor has belonged to our nation LONG before you rapscallions were born. I'll have to give you a sound drubbing if you refuse to leave!"

Grim, Tanzanite, and Jasper are soon ready to fight the ghosts.

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