Chapter 24: My True Prince

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Ace and the others continue fighting the ghost until the ghost struggles to keep up.

Ace sighs in relief, "Whew, finally got 'em! Take THAT!"

"Woohoo! That's how it's done!" Grom cheers.

But Eliza begins to say in horror, "Oh no! Noooo!"

"There are no more guards. We should be able to get the Circle of Severance on her now," Riddle says.

"Let's finish this before she blows a gasket!" Epel says.

"No, no, no..." Eliza says, growing more worried.

Ace steps forward, "Any last words? You can say goodbye to your precious Idia if you—"

"PUFFY!" Eliza cries out and rushes to him.

"Huh?" Everyone becomes confused.

Eliza kneels to Puffy who is now on the ground.

In sadness, Eliza says, "Oh, Puffy... How could this happen?! You took a beating defending me from those villains!"

"Wait, you're calling US villains?" Ace questions.

Puffy looks at Eliza and smiles, "Don't be sad, Princess. I always feel happy when you smile," and soon begins fading away.

This shocked Eliza, and asks, "Puffy? Why are you fading away?"

"I fear I exhausted all my energy in that fight," Puffy answers, "Your Highness... I hope you'll always have reason to smile. I wish good fortune upon you. May you live happily ever after with your prince..."

But Eliza cries out, "No... No, don't leave me! Your support is what's carried me through all the hard times and helped me follow my dream! I need you!"

"Princess..." Puffy says, as he fades away even further.

Soon, Eliza comes to realize, "Oh my... Of course! I figured out what she meant. I've finally figured it out. My real prince... It's you, Puffy!"

"What?!" Everyone reacts in shock.

Then Puffy says, "Princess... No, Eliza. You've always been the only one in my heart, ever since we were alive."

With tears falling down her face, Eliza says, "Oh, Puffy. I love you..." and leans over to give Puffy a kiss.

Suddenly, Puffy stops fading away. In fact, Puffy is healing. Eliza notices it and is surprised, but begins to shed tears of joy to see Puffy is healing and reviving.

Puffy comes to realize it himself, "Hm? My injuries are healing!"

Eliza smiles and says, "It must be the power of love. You've been saved by true love's kiss!"

Nana/ Grampy are very surprised, but happy, "Huzzah! What wonderful tidings!"

"Huh? What just happened? Am I the only one having trouble keeping up?" Ace asks.

"They're clearly painting us as the bad guys..." Riddle says.

"No, I don't really think that's it," Briar says.

"Why do you say that?" Epel asks.

"Easy, from what's happening, Eliza realizes that her real perfect partner, her prince, was always with her all along," Briar says.

"Huh?" Everyone becomes confused.

"Puffy has always been in love with Eliza, even in death, but he also wanted her to be happy, so he supported her in every way in finding her true prince. That's why he attacked us, that's why he wanted to fight. He was fighting for the girl he truly loved. Even in death, Puffy always wants to be by Eliza's side and support her, even if it means keeping his own feelings of her a secret," Briar says.

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