Chapter 12: What's Much More Important

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Sometime later, things in the wedding venue didn't go so well.

Lilia screams, "Oof!"

Deuce screams, "Agh!"

Cater cries out, "No way!"

"Impossible! Why..." Azul adds.

That's right, Eliza ends up slapping all four of them, meaning none of them meets her expectation.

Azul cries out, "WHY WAS I REJECTED?!"

Floyd laughs, "Gyahaha! She smacked you good, Azul!"

"I analyzed the first team's data and came up with the perfect approach by the ghost's standards. I gave her a bouquet of roses and sang a clarion love song! Where did I go wrong?!" Azul says.

And Jade says, "She said you talked too much and lacked any shred of sincerity. It rubbed her the wrong way."

"Of course it did. You're not gonna get anywhere talkin' a lady's ear off," Leona says.

Azul glares at Leona, "Leona, you were the first to be rejected. You're hardly in a position to act SMUG."

"Aw man, talk about a downer. I thought I was on fire!" Cater says.

Vil explains, "I fail to see how your flippant chatter would spark anything but annoyance. Even the ghost was put off by your shallowness."

"So, why are you here again, Deuce?" Trey asks.

"I was trying to save you. But the moment I came face-to-face with her, I got cold feet. I blanked and couldn't think of anything to say," Deuce answers.

"She told me I was too cute by half. Oh, the vicissitudes of being as cute as a button..." Lilia says, and sniffles of rejection.

Sebek is shocked, "For Lilia of all people to receive the slap of rejection... HOW?! YOU'RE EVEN CUTER THAN THE GHOST HERSELF!"

Eliza scolds them, "Would you stop shouting?! Why must modern men be such brutish cads? They come courting and don't even have the decency to wear nice suits," And and happily says, "Oh, Idia, darling, I knew you were the only one for me. No one else comes close!"

"I couldn't agree more, Your Highness," Puffy agrees, "These suitors are all hopeless knaves who wouldn't know gentlemanly conduct if it slapped them in the face."

"I cannot BEAR this. How could I be outshone by someone as antisocial as Idia?!" Vil questions.

"That shut-in prolly can't even sing!" Leona says.

Eliza explains, "Idia's nothing like the rest of you. Like I said, he's a perfect prince. I'm sure he'd love to join me in a song. He's just a tad shy at the moment."

"Dear me, those claims are absolutely delusional," Lilia says, "It seems to me you're projecting your notions onto Idia and refusing to see who he really is. So long as you gaze into the distance, you'll never find what you seek. It's much more important to see what's right in front of you."

Eliza is not having it, "Enough with your gibberish. I know what I've found. And that's Idia, my perfect prince!"

Puffy remains silent after hearing it.

Eliza then says, "This whole endeavor was a waste of time. We need to get the ceremony preparations underway."

And Puffy says, "Your Highness, you must be worn out after dealing with these humans. Surely there's no rush."

"Aww, you're worried about me?" Eliza replies as she giggles, "Tee hee, that's so sweet of you, Puffy! You've been my dearest friend through thick and thin ever since we were alive."

"Yes... Your friend," Puffy says, "Of course. That's why I'm here, Your Highness."

Then Eliza says, "Now, show Idia in."

Soon, Nana and Grampy walk in as they say, "Here he is, Your Highness!"

Soon, they drag Idia and he grunts in frustration, "Augh..."

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