Tracking Mira

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The sun had barely risen over Valoria when Lucien, Elena, and Dante gathered in the dimly lit alley just outside the city's edge. The morning mist clung to the cobblestones, adding a chill to the air that matched the tension in their small group. They were preparing to track down Mira, the rogue mind mage who might be the key to uncovering the secrets of the hidden faction pulling the strings against them.

Lucien was focused, his eyes scanning a map he had laid out on a nearby crate. "Mira was last seen in the Undercity," he said, tracing a line with his finger. "It's dangerous down there. Full of outcasts, black market dealers, and people who don't like outsiders poking around."

Dante leaned against a wall, arms crossed, watching with a smirk. "Sounds like my kind of place. Why didn't we come here sooner?"

Elena shook her head, her tone serious. "This isn't a game, Dante. Mira's dangerous, and we don't know if she'll even agree to help us. If we're not careful, we could make things worse."

Lucien nodded, glancing at her. "Exactly. Mira doesn't trust anyone, and she's got a good reason not to. We need to approach her carefully, or she'll disappear before we even get a chance to ask her anything."

Dante's grin widened. "Careful's not my thing, but I'll try to behave."

Elena shot him a look, her voice stern. "We don't have time for jokes, Dante. This is our only lead, and we can't afford to lose it."

Dante raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. I'll be good. But if things go south, don't say I didn't warn you."

Lucien folded up the map and turned to face them. "There's an old entrance to the Undercity a few blocks from here. It's usually sealed off, but I've got a contact who can get us through. From there, it's a maze of tunnels and back alleys. Stay close, and don't trust anyone."

Elena nodded, already mentally preparing herself for what was ahead. "Let's go."

They moved quickly through the city's quieter streets, the morning light just beginning to break through the mist. The entrance to the Undercity was hidden behind a rusted gate in a forgotten corner of the city. Lucien knocked three times in a specific rhythm, and a small hatch in the gate slid open, revealing a pair of suspicious eyes.

"You lost?" the voice behind the gate asked gruffly.

Lucien shook his head. "We're here to see Mira."

The eyes narrowed. "No one sees Mira without an invitation."

Dante stepped forward, his grin playful but dangerous. "We're not exactly here for tea and biscuits. Open the gate."

The man behind the gate glared at Dante, then looked back at Lucien. "Mira doesn't like unannounced visitors."

Lucien sighed, lowering his voice. "Tell her it's urgent. We have information she'll want to hear."

There was a long pause, and then the hatch slid shut. For a moment, it seemed like they were going to be turned away, but then the gate creaked open, and the man stepped aside, motioning for them to enter. "Keep your hands where I can see them."

Elena, Lucien, and Dante stepped into the narrow tunnel, the gate slamming shut behind them. The man led them deeper into the Undercity, the passageways dimly lit and lined with people who looked like they hadn't seen sunlight in years. The atmosphere was oppressive, filled with the stench of damp stone and desperation.

"This place is cosy," Dante muttered, his eyes scanning the shadows.

Lucien kept his voice low. "Stay focused. Mira doesn't take kindly to distractions."

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