Into the Citadel

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The path to the Citadel was unforgiving. The mountains surrounding the ancient fortress were steep and treacherous, the air thinning with every step they took. But for Elena, Lucien, and Dante, the danger only fueled their determination. They knew what was at stake. If Kallista's son was truly inside, they needed to stop him—before Kallista could carry out her twisted plan.

Lucien led the way, his sharp gaze scanning their surroundings. "The Citadel should be just beyond this ridge. Once we get close, we'll have to deal with the wards."

Dante, trailing slightly behind, looked less concerned. "Wards or no wards, we've dealt with worse. I'm sure Lucien here's got a plan for that."

Lucien shot him a look but didn't respond. Instead, he glanced back at Elena, his expression softening. "How are you holding up?"

Elena forced a smile, though her heart was pounding. "I'm fine. We've come this far. I'm not backing down now."

Lucien's gaze lingered on her for a moment longer before he nodded. "Good. We're close, but we need to be careful. Once we're inside, there's no telling what Kallista has waiting for us."

Dante chuckled. "You're always so dramatic, Lucien. It's like you're trying to scare her."

Elena raised an eyebrow at Dante. "I'm not scared, Dante. Just... ready."

Dante's grin widened. "That's the spirit. Let's kick down the door and see what happens."

Lucien sighed, clearly frustrated but focused. "We're not kicking down anything. The Citadel is heavily fortified with ancient magic. If we trip those wards, we won't make it past the front gate."

As they crested the ridge, the Citadel came into view, towering over the rocky landscape like a monolith. Its black stone walls were jagged, covered in runes that glowed faintly in the fading light. The fortress seemed to pulse with power, as if the very stones were alive with magic.

Elena's breath caught as she took it in. "This place... it feels wrong."

Lucien nodded grimly. "It's ancient. Older than most of the magical families. Kallista's been using this place for years. We're walking into her territory."

Dante stepped up beside Elena, his usual cocky demeanor tempered by the sight of the Citadel. "Looks like fun. So, what's the plan, Lucien? Sneak in, take out the wards, and deal with whatever's inside?"

Lucien studied the fortress, his eyes narrowing. "The wards are the priority. If we disable them, we can move more freely inside. But once we're in, we'll need to find Kallista's son as quickly as possible. We can't let him get a chance to put his part of the plan in motion."

Elena frowned, her heart pounding harder at the mention of Kallista's son. "We don't even know what he's capable of. What if... what if we're too late?"

Lucien turned to her, his expression soft but resolute. "We won't be. We'll stop him, Elena. I won't let them touch you."

Dante winked at her, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, you've got both of us, love. They don't stand a chance."

Elena smiled despite herself. She appreciated their confidence, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her chest. This wasn't just about stopping Kallista anymore—this was about her, about her own bloodline, and what Kallista wanted from her.

Lucien motioned for them to move forward, his voice low. "Stay close. We'll circle around to the east. There's a smaller entrance that should give us access without triggering the main wards."

They descended the rocky slope carefully, making their way toward the looming walls of the Citadel. As they approached, Lucien knelt down and began tracing the runes etched into the ground near the hidden entrance.

"These wards are old," he murmured, more to himself than to them. "We can disable them, but it's going to take time."

Dante stood beside him, arms crossed. "Time we don't have. Kallista could be moving her pieces as we speak."

Elena crouched next to Lucien, watching as he worked. "What can I do to help?"

Lucien glanced at her, his expression thoughtful. "Focus on the energy around the ward. It's delicate, but if you can help siphon off some of the excess magic, I can break the connection."

Elena nodded, closing her eyes as she reached out with her magic. She could feel the pulse of the ancient wards, the energy thrumming beneath the surface like a living thing. Slowly, carefully, she began to draw it away, letting it flow through her like a river.

Lucien's fingers moved deftly over the runes, muttering incantations under his breath. After a few tense moments, the runes flickered and then dimmed, the glow fading until they were nothing more than cold, dead symbols etched into stone.

Lucien let out a breath. "That's one down. But there will be more inside."

Dante rolled his shoulders, grinning. "Piece of cake. Let's get in there."

They moved through the now-unlocked entrance, slipping into the dark corridors of the Citadel. The air inside was thick with the scent of dust and age, and the walls seemed to hum with a latent energy that made the hairs on the back of Elena's neck stand on end.

Lucien led the way, his eyes scanning every corner. "Stay sharp. There could be traps."

As they moved deeper into the fortress, the oppressive weight of magic grew stronger. Elena could feel it pressing down on her, making it harder to focus. It was as if the Citadel itself was alive, watching them, waiting for them to make a mistake.

Dante's voice was a low whisper as he walked beside her. "You okay?"

Elena nodded, though her stomach twisted with unease. "Yeah. Just... something feels off. Like we're being watched."

Dante's hand brushed hers briefly, a silent gesture of support. "We're getting close. I can feel it too."

Lucien stopped suddenly, holding up a hand. "Wait. There's something ahead."

They crouched low, peering around the corner. In the center of the room stood a figure—a tall, imposing man dressed in dark robes, his back to them. But it wasn't just his size that made Elena's heart pound—it was the raw power radiating from him.

Lucien's voice was barely a whisper. "That's him. Kallista's son."

Elena's heart raced, her palms slick with sweat. This was it. The man who held the key to Kallista's twisted plan—who would either be her greatest threat or the key to stopping everything.

Dante's eyes darkened, his voice low and tense. "What's the move, Lucien?"

Lucien glanced at Elena, his jaw set. "We need to draw him out, separate him from whatever defenses Kallista has in place."

Elena swallowed hard, her voice barely audible. "And then what?"

Lucien's gaze was steady, but there was something in his eyes that made her stomach tighten. "We stop him. Whatever it takes."

Elena nodded, her heart thudding in her chest. This was the moment they had been preparing for, but nothing could have prepared her for the weight of it. She could feel the tension between them, the gravity of what was about to happen.

Dante gripped his blade, his voice quiet but filled with grim determination. "Let's finish this."

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