Lessons in Power

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The next morning, Elena found herself standing in a massive room that was part of Lucien's private training facility. The walls were lined with shimmering glass and ancient weapons, a strange mix of modern and archaic. The air was thick with the promise of something unknown, and Elena felt the weight of the task ahead pressing on her.

Lucien stood in front of her, his stance firm and authoritative. "Today, we're starting simple. I want you to focus on control. Feel the magic inside you and let it surface—but don't let it take over."

Elena crossed her arms, eyeing him sceptically. "That's it? Just... feel it?"

Lucien's gaze didn't waver. "It's more than that. Magic responds to willpower, but if you don't control it, it will control you. And in your case, it's already stronger than most."

"Great," Elena muttered, "no pressure then."

Lucien took a step closer, his voice low. "You need to be serious about this, Elena. You saw what happened the night you awakened. If you don't learn to channel your magic, it will explode out of you."

Elena sighed, shaking her head. "Fine. How do I even start?"

"Close your eyes," Lucien instructed, his tone softer now. "And breathe. Focus on the energy inside you. Let it rise, but don't force it."

She hesitated for a moment before closing her eyes and doing as he asked. The silence of the room was unnerving, but she focused on her breathing, trying to sense the magic he claimed was there. At first, there was nothing. Just stillness. But then, after a few moments, she felt a faint warmth stirring deep within her, like a flicker of flame.

"I can feel something," she whispered, her brow furrowing in concentration.

"Good," Lucien said, his voice calm. "Now, focus on that feeling. Let it grow, but keep it controlled."

Elena focused harder, the warmth slowly spreading through her body. It felt strange, like a current of energy flowing beneath her skin. But as it grew stronger, it became harder to contain. Her pulse quickened, and the flicker of flame threatened to surge out of her, wild and untamed.

"I—I don't think I can hold it," she stammered, her voice tense.

"Don't force it," Lucien said sharply. "Relax. It's about control, not power."

But before Elena could respond, the door swung open, and Dante strolled in, his usual smirk plastered across his face. "Ah, training sessions already? How adorable."

Elena's eyes snapped open, and the sudden distraction caused the magic inside her to flare. A pulse of raw energy exploded from her chest, shattering a nearby glass panel into tiny shards. Elena gasped, stumbling backwards, her hands shaking from the sudden surge.

"Dammit!" she cursed, glaring at Dante. "What the hell was that for?"

Dante chuckled, completely unfazed by the chaos he'd caused. "Just wanted to see how the lesson was going. Looks like you're making progress."

Lucien shot Dante a withering look. "She needs focus, Dante, not distractions."

Dante shrugged, stepping closer to Elena. "Or maybe she needs to stop holding back. You can feel it, can't you, Elena? The magic inside you wants to be free. Let it."

Elena's heart was still pounding, the raw power inside her still simmering beneath the surface. She looked between the two men, frustration bubbling up inside her. "I can't just 'let it go,' Dante. I'll hurt someone."

Dante tilted his head, his dark eyes gleaming. "Only if you're afraid of it. But if you embrace it, you could do incredible things."

Lucien stepped between them, his tone icy. "This isn't a game, Dante. She needs to learn control."

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