A Deadly Encounter

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The Citadel's oppressive energy only intensified as Elena, Lucien, and Dante crept closer to the center of the chamber where Kallista's son stood. His back was still turned to them, but the raw, pulsating power that radiated from him was unmistakable.

Lucien kept his voice low, barely above a whisper. "We need to be smart. If we rush in, he'll sense us."

Dante gripped the hilt of his blade, his usual grin replaced by a tense, grim expression. "We're not sneaking around forever, Lucien. We've got to make a move before he does."

Elena's heart raced. Every instinct screamed that something was wrong, that whatever came next would change everything. "If we don't stop him now, we might not get another chance."

Lucien's hand hovered near his weapon, his eyes locked on the figure ahead. "Elena, I need you to stay back. This man is dangerous—more dangerous than anyone we've faced."

Elena's pulse quickened. "I'm not staying back. I'm a part of this, just like you two."

Dante shot her a glance, his voice softer than usual. "You're not a part of this, love—you're the whole reason we're here. You don't need to be the one fighting. We'll handle him."

Before Elena could argue further, the figure ahead of them moved. Slowly, deliberately, Kallista's son turned to face them, his hood falling back to reveal a man with sharp, angular features and dark eyes that glittered with power. His gaze swept over them, settling on Elena.

"You've come," he said, his voice deep and smooth, sending a chill down her spine. "I've been expecting you, Elena."

Lucien stepped in front of her, his hand resting on his sword. "Stay away from her."

Kallista's son smirked, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Protective, aren't we? But you're too late. This was always going to happen. The prophecy cannot be denied."

Elena's breath caught in her throat. "What do you mean?"

His gaze locked onto hers, and she felt the full force of his power bearing down on her. "You were destined for this, Elena. You and I... our bloodlines were meant to combine. Kallista has seen it. You've felt it, haven't you? The pull, the power?"

Lucien's voice was sharp, filled with fury. "She's not your pawn. Whatever you and Kallista have planned, it ends here."

Kallista's son laughed softly, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You think you can stop what's already in motion? This is bigger than you, Lucien. Bigger than all of us."

Dante stepped forward, his blade glinting in the dim light. "We'll see about that."

The air between them crackled with tension as the three of them squared off against Kallista's son. Elena could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on her. This wasn't just about stopping him—this was about the fate of her bloodline, her future.

Kallista's son tilted his head, his eyes never leaving Elena. "You don't understand, do you? This isn't a fight you can win. The prophecy is clear. Our union will reshape the magical world."

Elena's heart pounded in her chest. "I'm not a tool for you to use. I won't let you or Kallista control me."

His smile widened, and the power radiating from him intensified. "You don't have a choice. You were chosen for this. The power that runs through your veins is the key to everything."

Lucien moved faster than Elena could react, his sword drawn and slashing toward Kallista's son. But before the blade could strike, a wave of dark energy surged from Kallista's son, throwing Lucien back against the stone wall with brutal force.

"Elena, no!" Lucien gasped, struggling to rise, but the pain in his voice was clear.

Dante roared in anger, charging forward with his weapon, but Kallista's son raised a hand, and with a simple flick of his wrist, sent Dante crashing to the ground with a blast of magic.

"Stop!" Elena shouted, stepping forward, her heart racing. "I'll come with you—just stop!"

Lucien's voice, hoarse from the pain, rang out. "Elena, don't!"

Kallista's son's dark eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he turned to her. "There it is. Acceptance. You know this is your fate."

Elena's chest tightened. She couldn't let Lucien and Dante die here. She couldn't let them suffer because of her. "If I go with you, you let them live. That's the deal."

Kallista's son smiled coldly. "Very well. Come to me, and they will live."

Lucien, struggling to his feet, shouted, "No! Elena, don't do this! We'll find another way—"

But Elena couldn't look at him. She couldn't face the pain in his eyes, the way he pleaded with her to stop. This was the only way to protect them. This was the only way to end this.

Slowly, Elena stepped toward Kallista's son, her hands trembling. "If I go with you if I do this... you let them live. You leave them alone."

Kallista's son reached out his hand to her, his expression one of triumph. "I promise. They will be unharmed."

Dante, still on the ground, struggled to push himself up. "Elena... don't..."

She stopped in front of Kallista's son, her heart pounding in her chest. She had no choice. If this was the only way to save them, then she would do it. No matter what it cost her.

His hand brushed her cheek, his touch, cold and possessive. "You've made the right choice, Elena."

Lucien's voice was filled with anguish. "Please... don't do this..."

Elena closed her eyes, blocking out the sound of his voice, the pain in his words. She couldn't let herself break now. She couldn't let them suffer.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, barely audible.

Kallista's son's hand slipped to her wrist, pulling her closer. "Come. Your destiny awaits."

Elena's heart ached with every step she took, but she didn't stop. She couldn't. This was the only way.

Behind her, Lucien's voice was a broken plea. "Elena..."

But it was too late.

Elena's heart pounded in her chest as Kallista's son led her through the darkened corridors of the Citadel. The weight of her decision pressed down on her like a stone, but she couldn't allow herself to falter now. Lucien's desperate plea still echoed in her mind, but she knew she had no choice. To save him and Dante, she had to give herself over to Kallista's son.

Kallista's son walked ahead of her, his grip firm around her wrist, guiding her through the labyrinthine halls with an air of confidence. "You've made the right decision, Elena," he said, his voice cold but smooth. "Soon, you will see that this is what was meant to happen all along."

Elena's voice was tight as she spoke. "I don't care about your prophecy. This is about keeping the people I care about safe."

He smirked, glancing back at her. "And that is why you are the perfect choice. Your power is tied to your emotions, and your willingness to sacrifice. It makes you stronger."

Elena clenched her jaw, biting back the surge of anger that threatened to rise. "I'm not doing this because I want to. I'm doing this to protect them. Remember that."

He stopped in front of a large door, adorned with ancient runes that pulsed with dark energy. Slowly, he pushed the door open, revealing a dimly lit chamber. The air inside was thick and heavy with magic, and Elena felt the weight of it the moment she stepped inside.

"This is where it begins," he said, turning to face her fully now, his eyes dark with intent. "Your power will merge with mine, and together, we will reshape the world."

Elena's chest tightened. "I don't want to merge anything with you."

Kallista's son stepped closer, his presence overwhelming, and Elena fought the urge to step back. "It's already in motion, Elena. The moment you chose to come with me, you sealed your fate."

Elena swallowed hard, her voice defiant despite the fear creeping up her spine. "I'm not afraid of you."

His lips curved into a dark smile. "You should be."

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