Breaking the Chain

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The dark magic pulsed through the air, thick and suffocating, coiling itself around Elena like invisible chains. Kallista's son loomed over her, his eyes gleaming with malevolent triumph as he watched her struggle, her body tense and helpless. The snake that had slithered inside her coiled around her unborn child, a twisted symbol of the power he now wielded over her.

"The snake is now cradling your precious little one," Kallista's son sneered, his voice dripping with dark satisfaction. "But you see, they say two is always better than one." He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her skin. "Say you will submit to me."

Elena's heart pounded, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and revulsion. Her mouth opened, but only a soft, muffled sound escaped her, her voice choked by the magic that bound her. Her thoughts raced, desperate to resist him, but the pull of his dark power was too strong.

"You feel it, don't you?" Kallista's son whispered, his fingers trailing down her chest, his magic seeping deeper into her veins, feeding off her resistance. "The fertile seed, waiting to take root." He grinned wickedly. "It's already inside you, Elena."

As he spoke, Elena's body convulsed, her belly tightening, growing larger as the magic worked its way through her. She could feel it, the dark power swirling inside her, mingling with her own magic and warping it into something twisted. A cruel energy surged through her, settling around her womb, and she knew—deep down—he had released his seed into her, binding her to him.

"Say it," Kallista's son commanded, his voice low and dangerous. "Say you will submit, Elena."

Elena's breath came in shallow gasps, her mind swirling with fear, defiance, and the crushing weight of the magic. Her body trembled as she felt the dark force within her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge of submission. She tried to resist, to hold onto the last fragments of herself, but it was slipping away.

With a final, broken whisper, she let the words slip through her lips. "I... submit."

Kallista's son grinned triumphantly. The moment she surrendered, Elena felt a sharp, invasive force push inside her—his penetration was swift and brutal. A cry of anguish escaped her, muffled by the gag, as she felt the full weight of the dark magic take hold.

"You can feel it, can't you?" he whispered, his voice vibrating with satisfaction as he thrust deeper into her. "The power... our power... merging inside you. This is the future, Elena."

Elena's eyes shut tightly, her heart pounding in her chest as the sensation of his magic overwhelmed her. She could feel her strength being drained, pulled into the ritual as her body became a vessel for his dark plans. Her belly swelled even more, the weight of it pulling at her as she felt the children—not one, but two—growing inside her, bound to the darkness.

She opened her eyes, her vision blurred by pain and fear. "No..." she whispered, barely audible, her voice shaking with the weight of her horror.

Kallista's son chuckled softly, his voice dark and victorious. "It's already too late, Elena. The more you fight, the more power I gain. You have no choice now." His hand pressed harder against her chest, the weight of his magic crushing her will, binding her tighter to him.

Elena writhed beneath him, her body aching, her belly stretching painfully as the ritual intensified. The runes carved into the altar glowed brighter, feeding off her magic and the dark power within her. She could feel it now, the bond between her and the two unborn children growing stronger. Kallista's son leaned over her, his hand possessively tracing the curve of her swollen belly, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he revelled in his triumph. "One of these children belongs to me, Elena," he whispered, his voice dripping with malice. "The heir of Kallista's bloodline. It will carry my power, and through it, I will control everything."

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