Chapter 50: The Heart's Quandary

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Song: So Far Away

Artistes: Surfaces



"Honey, we'll just head out and meet you at the place." Said the tall, buff, pale skinned man with his frightening baritone.

The beautiful mocha skinned woman didn't remove her eyes from Dontae and I. Instead, she kept watching and mumbled a short reply.

"Yes dear. We'll meet you there. I feel like this is gonna take a while."

The man hesitated a bit. But Sean placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Dad, let's go."

My eyebrows furrowed and I felt a plethora of emotions at that moment. Wild, hot rage. Confusion. Shock.

It was hard to choose which one to express the most.

What cruel twist of fate caused me to be thrust into this very ordeal?

Where is a cliff when you need one?

If there was one nearby, I could jump over it and everything would end there or better yet, I could just throw Sean over it and be rid of him from my life.

His sickening smirk made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge.

Dontae ran his hand over my back comfortingly as I watched Sean and his father pass us and step down the stairs.

For some reason, Sean's father looked very familiar. And he too, like his son, sent me a conniving smirk.

I felt my body getting higher and higher and I knew that it was no one other than Dontae who was pulling me upwards from off the hard cold floor.

The pair who were dressed smartly in matching black and white suits got in one of the three cars that were parked up on the lawn.

It was only when they revved the engine and who I figured is Jay's mother, spoke, that I turned my attention away from the suspicious pair who unnerved me.

"Let's go inside shall we?"

I nodded solemnly and Dontae didn't delay a single second as he held my arm and led me inside after the riveting threesome.


"Dontae, it's been so long since I've last seen you. I haven't seen you since the funeral."

The lady who I have now come to know as Mrs.Charlton, previously known as Mrs.Fouse, carried the conversation.

"This is my son, Quincy."

The boy mentioned looked down at the carpet as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"But according to the outburst that happened a few moments ago I suppose everyone here is somehow acquainted with each other. I will, however, follow formality and introduce everyone."

I was right earlier when I said she looks like Quincy. They are like carbon copies of each other. Quincy also had his dad's thick build.

"This is my husband, Steve. Quincy, I'm sure you probably remember Dontae from when he used to visit Jay. Dontae, I'm sure you remember my husband."

Dontae nodded in acknowledgement. I caught him eying Quincy with his lips set in a thin line. Mrs. Charlton's eyes flitted to me.

I squirmed a bit on the settee next to Dontae and he squeezed my hands comfortingly on cue as if reading my feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: 10 hours ago ⏰

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