Chapter 46: The Art Of Acceptance

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Song: Little Bird

Band: The Jonas Brothers

Hey my lovely readers, just wanted to note that the song above is for Vannessa's relationship with her dad.




I stepped onto the welcome mat laying before the large mahogany doors. The glass in them glimmered like fireflies blinking throughout the night.

My palms were sweaty.

My left hand gripped the strap of the large duffel bag even tighter.

The soles of my feet burned. I released a huge mouthful of air. I couldn't wait to kick off these sneakers. I wish my mom had packed shoes that actually fit.

Our driver, Patrick, had offered to take my bags inside but I informed him that I could do it myself. 

He had given me one of his signature tip of the hat and a broad, infectious smile before disappearing through the gates in the long, black limo.

I twisted my head to my left. Studying the architecture of the gargantuan house equal in size to mine. 

The cars lined up outside made me scrunch my eyebrows together. 

That's odd.

Why are there so many cars outside? What's going on?

A large suitcase could be seen being carried through the tall gold and black line of stylish metals separating the houses. They limited my view.

I distinctly saw Dontae's housekeeper outside. She looked to be carrying something from one of the cars into the house.

“You know how I feel about this! So why are you badgering me about this again and again?”

I would know that smooth, velvety voice from anywhere.

My heart quickened its pace.

I had made a promise to Dr. Bean before I left this morning to try to amend the relationships in my life that were broken.

I sighed.

And just as I was about to stand on the very tips of my toes to get a better view of the commotion going on next door, I was ambushed by a tall, slender body. 

I gasped as I was almost choked to death. 

“Oh my sweet darling!”

The bag in my hand crashed to the floor with an audible thump.

“Nice to see that I was missed while I was away,” I joked.

There was a small smile on my face as I tapped my mother's back a bit in acknowledgement to her affection. 

This was weird for me.

Also, I thought she would have been on her merry way by now after the way I dealt with her the last time I saw her at the hospital.

My mother pulled away, examining me from head to toe. Then her hazel eyes fell to the travel sized bag sitting on the fancy wooden floor.

“Why didn't you ask Pattrick or Bruce to carry the bag inside for you? Oh dear, you must be really exhausted!”

I wanted to roll my eyes at her exaggeration but decided against it. Instead, I closed my eyes and counted to ten. Breathing in and out.

“I hope that place wasn't too terrible for you honey, I managed to convince the hospital and the rehabilitation center to keep you for seven days with the agreement that you would take therapy sessions at least once per week and regular blood tests sessions.”

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