silent & silence

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i lay in my bed
late at night,
my room is silent
i can hear cars driving past my house
I can hear my own heart beat

how come its still beating ?

my eyes get droopy
my head gets dizzy
i feel weak
and cold.

i feel the warmth slowly leaving me
and coldness consuming me

i blink once
i blink twice

one car
two more.

my heart slows
one beat
two beat.

my breathing calms

I start to feel my body loosen
I feel my body start to weigh

I blink once
I blink twice.

i go to turn but i feel paralyzed

one car
two more.

i call out but theres nothing but a gasp of air

one beat
two beat.

"mom ?"


nobody was there
i was stilled in silence
silent wishes
should never become true.

i cry out

i blink once,

one car,

one beat,


dark silence.
everybody ive ever known,
i screech out their names
each one rolling off the tip of my tongue.

i am cold

i am silent

my eyes stay open,

i cant hear anymore cars

my heart has stopped

my breath is no longer warm.

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