Dont fall inlove with a bad feeling.
Doesn't matter if it's a crush
Someone you never talked to
Someone you've known your whole life
A best friend
a guy
a girl
And the more you love this person
The more it hurts to let them go
there's never a perfect relationship
and it will always hurt
The deeper you gosome words in a relationship are repetitive,
It can be"i love you"
It can be "I care"but it will always end in a sorry.
"I'm sorry"
are you?
and I now realize
they will never be sorry
They can never be sorry
If they truly meant it.
they would of never hurt me."I love you"
Is temporary
Because if they meant it
They wouldn't be gone
they would've apologized with sincere words
no one ever means it.
but I meant it,
It was never meant to be.This stranger
the one that made me smile we were together
wanting to take back every smile you gave them.
a quote,
"You don't miss the person you miss the memories of them"
That's a lie.I don't miss anyone I used to love
I don't miss the memories
But some days
On some nights
I end up thinking
"did I make the right choice?"
and I think
That I could text them
and maybe
I could not hate the stranger
As much as I do now.but I know now
that It will never be the same.Its never okay
It will never get better.
the thoughts will cut deeper
The more you think
The closer you are to getting hurt.
another quote,
"Strangers are your friends you haven't met yet."I know a stranger
a stranger I loved
A stranger id laugh with all night
a stranger I could talk to
and where I would talk for hours about them
where I would have notes on and on about
Their favorite things
But eventually
The notes will be deleted
The smiles turn into frowns
The messages would go dry
The pictures will disappear
the texts wouldn't go through anymore
they were gone
And that's how a stranger you once loved
the stranger you would laugh with
The stranger you would be excited to text
Would turn into the stranger you walk past
With no words
With no looks
With no contactbut with thoughts
of feeling guilty.
I will never miss this stranger
I will never talk to them
I will never smile at them
I will never laugh with them
I hate them.
but sometimes
I wish
I still knew this stranger.
but again
I will never love like I loved before
And everytime I love someone
And they leave
I will love the next person a little less
because I knoweveryone is temporary
My ex
That knows all my secrets
all my favorite things
my birthday
my now a stranger
That I walk by
with nothing left
To feel for him.
But guilt, and pity.
The Thoughts That Chew
Poetryyou can't be perfect no one can Even if they look perfect Everyone has their own story.