Chapter 16

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As we made our way to the parking lot, chatting about our hectic day, I noticed Kevin jogging towards us from the entrance. He had that charming, easy smile on his face, and I suddenly remembered our dinner plans for tonight.

"Hey, Michaela!" Kevin greeted, slightly out of breath but grinning. "Just wanted to remind you about our dinner tonight. I'll pick you up around seven?"

I nodded, trying to sound more excited than I felt. "Yeah, that sounds great. Here, I'll give you my address."

He took his phone out, and I quickly typed in my address while Lexi and Bree exchanged amused glances beside me. Kevin waved at them. "Hi, Lexi, Bree. You guys have a good night, too. I'll see you later, Michaela," he said with a wink before turning to leave.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Bree raised an eyebrow and teased, "Well, someone's got a date tonight! What are you planning to wear?"

I shrugged as we climbed into the car, my mind still spinning from everything. "I honestly haven't thought that far ahead."

Lexi turned in her seat to look at me, a mischievous smile creeping across her face. "Good thing I've got the perfect dress for you. My red one—it'll look amazing on you!"

"You really think so?" I asked, unsure. My mind was still muddled with the whole Miguel situation, and now I had this date with Kevin to think about.

"Oh, absolutely," Lexi said confidently. "It's classy but still sexy. Trust me, Kevin won't be able to take his eyes off you."

Bree nodded in agreement. "And if you don't wear it, I'll be forced to drag you into your closet and make you try on everything until we find something. So, let's just save the time and go with the red dress."

I laughed despite the anxiety that had been creeping up on me all day. "Okay, okay! I'll wear the dress."

As we pulled out of the parking lot, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt, though. Sure, I had a date with Kevin tonight, but I still couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of Miguel—his easy smile, the way he looked at me earlier today. Was I really ready to let go of the possibility of something more with him?

"Red dress it is," I said, forcing myself to focus on the present.

Tonight, I was going to give Kevin a real chance, even if my heart wasn't entirely sure where it stood.

As we drove home, Bree and Lexi couldn't stop talking about how I was going to look tonight for my dinner with Kevin. Bree was already planning to do my hair, and Lexi was insisting on doing my makeup. I just nodded along, half-distracted by everything swirling in my mind. I had put on Daddy's Home by Usher, hoping the upbeat tune would ease my thoughts. Lexi, of course, couldn't resist teasing me, belting out the lyrics and pointing at me dramatically.

"That's gonna be Kevin's anthem when he picks you up tonight," Lexi teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

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