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Thank you so much for reading! This story is currently ongoing, and edits will be made soon. I hope you enjoy it!

The night was unnaturally still as the air swirled with dark power. The moon was full and covered by dark clouds in the nightsky. Shadows stretched across the forest floor, twisting and writhing like living things. The trees swayed slightly with a breeze, as if they were trembling.

At a small clearing stood a black alter, and before it was a blackened, hooded figure. They murmured in an ancient tongue, the words soft but with intent. The more they spoke, the more the air crackled with the presence of something otherworldly and powerful. Tonight, vengeance will be fulfilled.

The hooded figure drew a sharp blade from their cloak, the blackened blade reflecting the moonlight beautifully. It was made of a rare earth metal and had a jagged blade; its blade was carved with runes. Slowly, they held the blade over a small bowl of black oil and herbs. It began to pulse with dark energy. Their eyes glowed as they began to chant louder, seeing through the physical world.

"By the shadows of the forest, by the will of the dark sister, I invoke thee, Lunara, goddess of shadow and unraveling, of the unseen."

The wind around them suddenly stopped, coming to a standstill; it was as if the world had paused. A low hum - an almost growl - emitted from the earth. The very stones beneath the cleric began to vibrate. The cleric held the bowl above their head, turning their attention to the castle off in the far distance.

"By the decree of the dark lady, I bind thee to darkness," malace laced the clerics voice as they dropped to their knees, exhausted from the ritual they had performed. The bowl in their hand trembled, and darkness wrapped around their hands. The curse was carried in the wind and seeped into the stones of the castle.

"May the light never touch you again."

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