Chapter Seven

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Seraphina could feel the weight of everything pair of eyes as she sat down at the table, to the right of Caelum, who was at the head of the table. To her left was Elena, who gave her a quick, reassuring smile. She could hear the faint whispers behind the raised goblets, soft murmurs that made her skin prickle. Caelum, whose face remained a mask of cold authority, gave her a quick, reassuring glance as well.

Seraphina nodded, swallowing a lump of anxiousness in her throat. Elena's lessons echo in her mind. Although it all felt insignificant in the against the real challenge; surviving the scurtinity of the court.

The first course was served - a delicate roasted quail made with herbs and spices - the aroma settling the tension in the air slightly. As the servers moved quickly throughout the room, the hum of conversations began to rise again. Suddenly, a noble woman a few chairs down with icy-blue eyes and platinum hair leaned forward, her thin lips twisting into a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Elena whispered to me quickly and discretely, "Lady Insolda."

"Your majesty, it has been so long since we've seen such a beautiful woman at court. Lady Seraphina, how does Virelda's court compare to that of your own?"

Seraphina could feel the weight of her words. They were as sharp as the silver knives laid before them. Seraphina met her gaze, feeling challenge within her question.

"I've found Virelda's court quite... intriguing," Seraphina started, "I'm grateful to be given the opportunity to serve the people of Virelda."

"Service, yes. An admirable goal from someone with such a... modest talent," Caelum stiffened at her words.

"Healing knows no class or station, my lady. I have served the humblest of villages and healed the poorest of souls. I only hope to continue to do the same," her words silenced Lady Insolda, whose smile faltered. A few surrounding novels began to exchange glances, the atmosphere growing more tense. Caelum's hand brushed against hers under the table, causing Seraphina to jump a bit. The brief fleeting gesture of approval caused her heart to skip a beat.

As the meal continued, conversation around them became more strategic. Talking about Caelum's military campaigns. Each of them tried to get Caelum's approval for a chance to potentially expand their domains. Caelum remained composed, responding to their never-ending questions and gratitudes. Though, Seraphina could sense his irritation. Suddenly, a tall man with broad shoulders stood, raising his goblet and smiling directly at Seraphina.

"Lord Thorn," Elena whispered.

"Lady Seraphina, I've heard tales of your powers in the villages, such a noble scarifice of you. Although, I think we have heard the rumors... does this marriage have anything to do with the rumors of the king's ill health."

His tone was light, but Seraphina could sense a darker implication behind it - one she could not ignore. Her stomach twisted, and she turned to face Caelum, whose eyebrow raised.

"I don't know what rumors you have heard, but I assure you they are false," he reached over and grabbed Seraphina's hand, "I am to marry Seraphina because her beauty and abilities captivated me from the moment I saw her; I also have no reason to doubt her capability of fulfilling her future role."

Seraphina face grew hot as her cheeks flushed. Lord Thron bowed his head and began to retreat to his seat.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I meant no offense."

Seraphina took a small sip of her wine, feeling the tensions of the room ebb slightly; now that the elephant in the room was addressed. The nobels returned to their own conversations, though Seraphina's mind kept drifting back to Caelum's words. They were probably a lie to the royals, but she couldn't help but blush. Every mention of their marriage feeling more like a shield than a prison, though it also reminded her of the delicate line she was walking.

As the dinner came to an end, Caelum whispered in her ear, "You did quite well, but don't let your guard down. They will test you again."

Seraphina met his gaze, smiling slightly at him. Slowly, the nobels began to filter out. Soon, the dining hall was empty except for Seraphina and Caelum, and the faint echos the nobels exited. Seraphina felt drained, her head still spining from the conversations with the nobels.

They had said little since leaving the dinner, slowly walking through the halls alone together. The silence between them wasn't uncomfortable, but it's was charged either unspoken emotions. The flicked of the torches left a golden light against the wall, defining Caelum's contrasting features beautifully. He icy blue eyes appearing like a deep ocean in the dim light. Every step seemed to brush their arms against each other. Finally, they reached her door, and Caelum stopped, opening the door for her. He gazed at her, and there was quiet intensity between them.

"You were remarkable tonight," his eyes seemed to pull Seraphina closer. Seraphina looked up at him, looking up at the soft black curls that spilled over his black iron crown. There always seemed to be a cold, guarded edge to Caelum, but this time, she could feel the warmth in his words.

"It's difficult, stepping into this world," she admitted. Caelums expression softened, and for a moment, it felt like the weight of the crown lift off of him. He took a step closer, narrowing the space between them. Seraphina opened the door, motioning for him to follow her, and they did. He tended to her fireplace, quickly starting one that lit up the room and provided warmth against the cold stones.

Seraphinas heart fluttered in her chest. For a while, she thought she would always fight against this arrangement - against the idea of marrying a king out of force - but this moment, she felt different. She saw through the rumors of a violent king and saw the boy who was afraid to die the same way that his father did.

He slides beside her again, and their eyes meet. It wasn't the cold mask that he had worn at dinner. Instead, it was a soft expression as he took in her beauty. Her dark features reflect the golden glow of the fire nicely. No words were exchanged, though there didn't need to be any. Both could feel the warmth swirling between them.

"You're not what I expected," Seraphina admitted, their eyes never leaving each other's.

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult," Caelum teased, a soft smile erupting onto his face. A real, genuine smile. He leaned closer. They were now inches apart, and Seraphina looked up to meet his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat, and her face went warm. For a moment, she can see uncertainty in Caelum, unsure of whether or not to close the distance between them. Instead of stepping back, she allows herself to pull her in.

"It's... a compliment," Seraphina purrs. His hand reached out, hesitating for a moment before caressing her cheek. When his fingers brushed her skin, she felt something ignite from his touch; something that had been simmering beneath the surface.

"Seraphina..." he voice was rougher, and the way he said her name sent a shiver down her spine. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, feeling the world around her disappear for a second. For a moment, there was no curse, no court, no pressure of duty, nothing. Just him and his calloused fingers brushing gently against her soft cheek.

Finally, she opens her eyes again, finding him staring at her; his thumb grazes her cheek, and she feels her heart beat harder.

"You look so beautiful right now," he said, his gaze darkening for a second as he reached his hand up, wrapping it around the back of her head. Suddenly, he pulled her forward, closing the gap between them and pulling her in for a slow tentative kiss. It's wasn't urgent or demanding. It was soft and passionate. Seraphina felt herself leaning in further, deepening the kiss.

When they had finally pulled apart, they rested their forheads on each other's, their breaths mingling against the warm, dry air of the fireplace.

"This changes things," Caelum murmured, voice still rough with emotions. Seraphina smiled softly, her heart racing.

"Yes. Yes it does."

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