Chapter Six

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Seraphina was led to the large door by her courier and guards. The sun was at its highest point, casting a bright glow across the interior of the castle. This was part of the castle she had never been before. It was more opulent than areas she had previously seen. The door opened with a creak and hinges old and rusted. Inside the room were large wooden shelving lined with weapons from the superstar realms. Additionally, there was an armor rack with sets of armor on it. Caelum stood on the hearth, previously gazing into the fire, but now his full attention was on Seraphina. The room was adorned with stained glass, and it reflected against the items beautifully.

Seraphina felt herself be drawn to one of the sets of armor, as if a force was pulling her. She steps towards it, making sure not to trip on her gown. In the center of all the racks was a set of ancient armor; it was a striking monument of the past. The full set of plate armor was maticuously crafted from a blackened iron, similar to Caelum's crown. Regardless of its dark color, it seemed to shimmer, as if it was reflecting its power. Through the high sheen of its polish were faint scratches and dents. The chest plate was bored and heavily reinforced, although there was an elegance to its design.

She noticed the fingers extended into claw like blades, giving the hands a dangerous and commanding appearance. The helmet rested on a pestle directly above the armor. The visor would have completely hidden the wearer identity, the narrow slits for vision giving an almost predatory look. The entire suit seemed regularly and brutal, a mix of beauty and brutality.

The colors of the room seemed to reflect the armor perfectly, Seraphina close enough to see her shadow in the armor. Etched into the wood was intricate designs of swirling patterns and sigils. She noticed the patterns: a withering flower, a crescent moon, and thorns. Seraphina looked at the sigils closely. These aren't sigils of any good god as they pulsed with a mysterious and unsettling energy. Although there was something familiar about the energy that she couldn't quite place now. She begins to trace them with her fingers tips, and a chill ran down her spine.

A sudden warmth spread across her chest - a familiar sensation she knows well. It is the presence of Aurelia - her goddess - gently reaching out through the bond that they share. The warmth deepens like a soft golden light wrapping around her heart, offering both comforting and caution. Her vision flickering, and suddenly the room dims. The gleaming armor and grand displays fading away, and suddenly Seraphina was left with just a warm glow around her; it cut through the endless darkness. The warmth intensifies, and a voice - softer than a whisper but clear as a bell - echoes in her mind.

"Beware, Seraphina. What you touch is not meant for healing?"

Her breath caught in her throat. Suddenly, she is brought back, the sigil still under her hand. The sigil was now pulsed, a dark shadow reached out and weaved it's way in between the etched lines.

"Lunara," Seraphina whispered. Lunara was Aurelia's younger sister, the goddess of death and decay. Though, Lunara is not cruel, her presence is a natural part of the passage of time. Though she tends to attract the less ideal crowd of worshippers.

Seraphina steped back, her pulse quickened. Caelum took notice though he was unable to hear her communication with her goddess.

"Why would Lunara's Sigils be here?" Seraphina asked Aurelia.

"Men of Caelum's line have been long bound by her. This armor - once a shield - has become a tether. It ties him, like the men before him, to Lunara's grip. His fate was written in blood, Seraphina. Worn on their very body disguised as protection."

"Can it be undone?" Seraphina asked doubting the seers words.

"The path is uncertain, but know this... Trust your heart, because it knows the difference between life and death. You will need to be strong for what comes ahead. Lunara's influence is creeping and subtle."

The warmth in her chest begins to fade, and she feels the wait of Aurelia's warning linger on her. She isn't sure if this armor and his curse are related, but with Aurelias guidance maybe she can piece this together. She looks are the armor again, now aware of the deeper darkness behind it.

"Seraphina," Caelum grabbed her shoulder, "what was that?"

"Where did this armor come from?" Seraphina asked.

"From my namesake, also King Caelum, my four or five great grandfather. He had this armor made in a specific moon elf village, they were talented blacksmiths from what I've read. What about it?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"This armor has sigils of Lunara on it," She admitted.

"Do you think it's related to the curse?" Caelum asked. Seraphina paused for a second, not knowing what to say.

"I don't know. Aurelia wanted me about your family tree though," Seraphina admitted. Caelum winced, not really responding.

"I'm sure I will change the general consensus with a queen like you by my side: a cleric of Aurelia. Think of all the good we can do," he exclaimed, "I want to change things."

Some tension returned as Seraphina couldn't ignore Aurelia's warning. She couldn't let Caelum wear this armor ever. Her gaze softens and she hugged Caelum, and he wrapped her hands around her. The hug was a bit awkward due to the bulk of her gown, but she pressed against his firm chest. Feeling the definition of his pecs. They pulled away and his eyes searched hers. Seraphina's heart skipped a beat, her fingers brushing against her slightly hairy arm.

The distance between them figuratively and literally was closer than before, regardless of the uncertainty in Seraphina. Before either of then could say more, there was a knock at the door.

Elena, Seraphina's maid, lingered in the doorway, her face formal.

"The court is awaiting your arrival," she said, dressed in a much nicer gown than anything Seraphina had seen her in previously. The energy in the room shifted as the moment was ended. Caelum straightened, his expression hardened, once again wearing the mask of the king.

"We shouldn't keep them waiting," he said, straightening his shirt. Seraphina nodded the weight of their conversation pressing in her mind. Together they left the trophy room, leaving the haunting presence of the armor behind them.

The grand dining room of the Vireldian palace was filled with the low hum of conversations, the sound of silverware clicking plates, and click of the shoes of the servants racing around. As Caelum and Seraphina entered, all eyes were on them. The weight of expectations held thick in the air.

Seraphina could feel the pressure: the judgemental stares, the whispering gossip, and the jealous young noble women. They all watched her, waiting to see if she had what it took to be queen. She glanced at Caelum, and saw his stoic expression. However, now she could see behind it - the burden his carried and the dark truth he had just learned.

As they approached the head of the table, she would feel the energy of the people around her. Like a pack of wolves dressed in an array of silk glowing and shimmering jewels. The nobels eyed her with unconcerned curiosity, some with polite indifference, most with some distain. She could feel the weight of her every move. She felt herself asking herself the same question.

Did she have what it took to be queen?

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