Chapter Ten

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Seraphina and Caelum woke the next morning, having fallen asleep in each other's arms. They scrambled to get ready, knowing the length of the journey ahead. The villagers gathered to see them off, offering what they could to aid Seraphina. Eric, the stable master of the village, a black man with a close shaven head who had been childhood friends with Seraphina, had handed them two horses. A spotted mare and a black stallion.

"Thank you, Eric," Seraphina thanked him, taking the horses by the reins and handing a pair to Caelum. The horses were calm, having been impeccably trained by Eric. The sun was rising on the horizon, an orange light casting on the village. The bells of the temple ring proudly. They left the carriage there, hoping to grab it on their way back to the castle. Seraphina has grabbed one of the chain mail armors that the temple had, and she wore leather pants with it; the outfit was a lot more practical than anything from the palace. Caelum dismissed his knights, choosing instead to armor himself in leather and take a sword with him. His experience in battle has taught him that a smaller group will draw less attention and seem like less of a threat.

So they set off into the thick brush of the forest that lined the hills of the village, going into the small path that the villagers would take to hunt. The rhythmic clopping mixes with the sound of birds and sticks breaking. The twisted branches over their hands wrapped around like a rib cage. The rising sun slowly became hidden in the clouds and branches.

Caelum rode in front of them, his posture rigid, his jaw tense. Seraphina couldn't help but look at him in his armor. The armor didn't look royal, but he had this regency to him that was undeniable. Behind him, Seraphina rose where her sense overwhelmed by a strange progressive energy. It was unlike anything she had felt in these woods in all the years she had lived here. The further they traveled, the worse the feeling came and the darker the forest got.

It didn't take long before they found a small pond, fed by a small stream. The sun was directly above them, and streams of light filtered through the trees.

"We should rest for a moment," Caelum said, dismounting. Seraphina obliged, swining her leg over the horses' rear and jumping to the forest floor. Every rustle of the leaves and every broken twig caused the hair on her back to stand up. It felt as if someone was watching them, unseen. She could feel that the air was thick with magic, these woods home to ancient rituals. As she took a few steps on the floor, her feet wobbled, a dizzy feeling taking over her; she stumbled.

"Are you alright?" Caelum asked, reaching out to steady her.

"I'm fine," she turned to him, "There's magic here."

Caelum frowned as he looked around, his hands lingering on her shoulders, "Maybe we should keep moving, I have a bad feeling about this place."

They quickly mounted again and trotted off. The feeling unease dwindling but never truly going away. Caelum's hand hovered above his sword, ready to be drawn at a moments notice. Seraphina, behind him, eyes scanning the forest with intent. Whatever was out there, they would not let it surprise them.

When the sun began to set, they had reached a small clearing with a grove of apple trees.

"We should make camp," Caelum said, pulling on the reins to bring his horse to a stop, "we should rest before facing whatever is at a shrine tomorrow."

They had overestimated the amount of distance they could travel in one day, not yet reaching the shrine, but it's prescene was overwhelming. Caelum focused on building the camp, taking the supplies from his horses satchel, and laying them on the ground.

"I'm going to get some rocks for the fire pit. Stay safe," he smiled at her before disappearing into the nearby trees. Seraphina felt uneasy, the feeling from before stronger now. Caelum returned with an arm full of rocks and sticks, and he began to build the fire; periodically, he would glance back at her. She appreciated his protectiveness, but she knew that even him couldn't shield her from what was about to happen.

As the fire crackled to life, the chill of the night washed off of them. Seraphina sat near the flames, her hands folded on her lap. Her connection to Aurelia has always been so steady - so bright - but now it felt so distant. So faint.

Caelum joined her, sitting down next to her. He gave her a reassuring smile. 

"I can barely feel her," Seraphina started.

"Who?" Caelum asked, turning to face her.

"Aurelia," she closed her eyes, letting her senses stretch far beyond the physical realm. There was a faint chill to the wind, and an unmistakable feeling washed over her, "it's Lunara. She's in the air, the trees, and the shadows of this place."

"Does that mean we are close?" Asked Caelum.

"I think so," she answered, opening her eyes again, "it feels like she's waiting for us."

"You don't have to come with me. I don't want your connection to Aurelia to wane if Lunara's influence is affecting"

"I can handle it. This curse won't end until we find the shrine and get some answers," she interrupted, her voice firm. Caelum studied her features for a moment, his face softening.

"You're stronger than some of the knights in my court," he chuckled, his pale skin doing little to hide his slight blush.

"I don't feel very brave," she replied softly.

"You've saved so many," he started, reaching out and cupping her face, lifting her gaze to meet his, "that's more than bravery, it's strength."

Her heart fluttered at the words, and for a moment, she forgot about the oppressive magic that surrounded them. She could see the trees in the distance. They were unnaturally still as if they were afraid.

Suddenly, a sharp, eerie howl pierced the stillness of the night.

"Wait here," Caelum commanded, getting up and drawing his sword. Against his wishes, Seraphina shot up and followed behind them. The howl rang again. This time, it seemed closer; it echoed through the trees like a warning. Their hearts pounded as Caelum white knuckled his sword. Seraphina held a small dagger close to her chest, trying to steady her breath.

Suddenly, the forest fell deathly silent. The only sound remained was the crackling of the fire, doing little to cut bsck against the oppressive darkness. They continued to stand side by side, their eyes continuing to scan the forest for the source of the eerie howl. They convinced themselves it was a wolf or some other animal, but the weight of Lunara's influence continued to hang over them, heavy and ominous. Soon, they began to relax ever so slightly.

Unbeknownst to them, a figure stood in the darkness, just beyond the reach of the forests light. Cloaked by the darkness, they blended into the ancient trees that surrounded them. They stood perfectly still, waiting, observing. Suddenly, a glimpse of moonlight flickers through the trees, the metal sigils of their robes reflected.

Sigils of Lunara.

The figures' eyes gleamed with pure amusement as they watched Caelum and Seraphina in the distance. The healer's bravery in the face of Lunara's followers did not go unnoticed. Slowly, the figure raised their hand, their fingers adorned with silver rings and an ancient runes branded on their wrist; the mark of Lunara's chosen clerics. They began to trace dark lines into the dark, mist sliding around their fingers, carrying a soft whisper with them; much to quiet to be heard.

Serpahina whipped her head around, locking eyes with the figure but not being able to see it in the darkness.

"Do you see something?" Caelum asked.

"I don't know... I thought I felt something," she whispered.

The figures lips curled into a cold smile under their hood. Seraphina was more perceptive than most - a testament to her divine connection with Aurelia. The figure stepped back, the mist dissolving as they dropped their hand. They stepped back, blending further into the darkness. Soon enough, Seraphina would be drawn deeper into their web.

All they had to do was wait.

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