Chapter Eleven

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Special thanks to my bestie, Jayden!

They woke around noon, having gotten zero sleep during the night. The bright sun making Caelum squint. They quickly packed up camp, desperate to leave the area. Seraphina kicked dirt over the embers as Caelum packed their supplies onto their horses.

They embarked, following the strong feelings of Lunaran presence. They traveled for six more hours before they reached another small clearing, seeing a dark alter in the distance. Seraphina dismounted her horse, walking forward towards the alter.

Its stone was smoothed with rain and time, the eerie glow of Lunara's sigil barely visible beneath the moss. Creeping moss twisted around the pillars like bony fingers. Despite their growth, there was decay in the vines. A sense of magic thrummed beneath her feet, wanting to be awakened.

On the alters table stood a dark bowl, full of herbs, and black oil. The herbs have rotted to the point that they were barely visible. A ritual happened here, and Seraphina could sense it was something powerful.

Behind the alter was a skeleton clad in armor. Seraphina stopped to study the corpse for a moment before a spectral figure appeared in her peripheral vision.

"This is where your family was cursed, Caelum," the figure spoke. Seraphina recognized the armor as the skeletons. Caelum's eyes widened as he made a realization, his hand resting on the cold stone.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Darian... I was a knight of your families court," he smiled, though there was a sadness to his eyes. His attention turned towards Seraphina, "Seraphina... I've heard so much about you."

"You have?" She asked, stunned.

"One of Aurelia's chosen," he took her hands, his hand felt odd, "I worshipped the light sister until my last breath. Come..."

He motioned to the stone, guiding her hands to it, "feel Aurelia's presence and let her guide you."

Seraphina did as instructed, her palms pressing against the smooth alter. Suddenly, a jolt of energy coursed through her, surging through her body. She gasped, opening her eyes. The alters plant life was replaced by a flourishing array of flowers and ivy; the decay completely gone.

"What is this?" She asked, looking down at her palms.

"You have the ability to fight against the shadows. Will you use it?" He asked. The light wrapped around her like an embrace, the familiar feeling she gets from healing had returned, but this time, there was something new behind it. It felt a defensive barrier of pure, golden light. A shield meant to defend but not harm.

"Aurelia's shield will protect you. Use it wisely," he started, his face contorting as he looked behind them. A twisted creature tainted with the dark magic walked forward. Caelum drew his sword and stepped forward in front of Seraphina. The beast was smaller than both of them. It looked like it was previously a dog or wolf. Seraphina felt the warmth merge into something hotter - fiercer - surging up through her core. Suddenly, she stepped forward, a surge of light escaping from her hands and flying towards the beast. The creature became sizzled and blackened by the magic. Seraphina's heart raced as her powers merged into something beyond her control. Something destructive.

Darian looked forward, flabbergasted.

"Seraphina," Caelum walked towards her, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"You must learn to control this," Darian's face was grim.

"I thought Aurelia's magic was meant to heal, not destroy," Seraphina gasped, tears threatening to fall.

"Aurelia, the lady of healing and light, light can be a weapon as much as a tool," he looked down at his body, "this is her true gift to you, the ability to purge darkness. It served me well."

Caelum took a step forward, his face filled with concern and admiration, "Seraphina look at me."

He guided her face to his, pulling her in for a kiss. She leaned into his touch, pulling him close. As they pulled away, she gasped as she tried to catch her breath. Darian's spectral form flickered as he ran his fingers across the sigils, the magical light having faded significantly from the encounter.

"You will need more than raw strength for what lies ahead," he started, "there's a place, the current stronghold for Lunaran clerics. The Obsidian Peaks."

"The Obsidian Peaks..." Caelum's brow furrowed, "that area is dangerous - if the stronghold is there, it must be long abandoned."

"Abandoned by lesser men, maybe, but not by them. There, you will find traces of the cleric that cursed your family."

"What will we find there?" Seraphina asked, her attention still focused on her newfound photomancy.

"It was built in the mountains, a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers."

Caelum's jaw tightened in frustration, "Then we will go."

"Seraphina," Darian reached out his hand, his spectral form fading, "this is where your battle begins."

The Crescent Mountains are a wild and treacherous region. Creatures abandoned by time, warped by old, dark magic. Caelum's strategic mind and leadership skills will be put to the test as they have to navigate not only the dangers ahead but also Seraphina's newfound offensive magical abilities.

Before they set off, Darian's fading form points to one thing: the tailsman that was hidden under the armor. As Seraphina picks it up, it begins to glow with a soft, warm light.

"Please take my talisman," he pleads, "and finish what I couldn't."

Before she could respond, he disappeared. All that was left of him was the bones that laid on top of the soil. The delicate, radiate object felt almost alive in her hand. It was in the shape of a blooming flower: an older symbol used to represent Aurelia. In the center of the rose was a piece of pure, uncut crystal. Seraphina wrapped the silver chain around her neck, keeping the object close to her heart. She would need all the help she could get for what comes ahead.

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