Chapter 2: Coming back

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15 years later:

Light streamed throught my window (Not Light Yagami you dumbasses xD )

I yawned and got out of my bed. I got in the shower and washed my (h/c) hair. 

Afterwards I dried my hair and combed the thick tangles. I changed into a white blouse and blue jeans, I also wore black flats.

In the kitchen I got myself toast for breakfast and sat down to eat it. Today I was going to start a new job.

I grabbed my handbag and my phone, a couple of bags of my stuff and walk out the door.

I walked down the path towards Wammy's house. It was a bright, hot summers day. 

I'd gotten a job there, as a carer for children. I was happy to see my childhood home one more time. I  went through the gates and knocked on the office door. It was opened by a old man, probabally in his late 50's. "Roger?" I ask.

"Hello (y/n)!" He shakes my hand "It's a please to see you here in Wammy's house once again!" I smile. "Yeah, I missed this place" 

"Here is your room" He said pointing to a door, you walk in. The room was plainted dark purple, there was a white bed, a dresser, wardrobe and a bedside table. "I know it's not much (y/n), but it should be okay". I put my bag down on my bed. "Its okay Roger. it's fine thanks!"

"come on. Time to meet the kids!" He said cheerfully.

I walk down the hall, past the dorms and the classrooms, untill we stop in front of a door at the end of the hall way. "(y/n), you're in charge of Mello and Near" Roger opens the door and I look inside. There are 2 boys. One had shoulder length yellow hair and wore black clothes. The other has snow-white-like hair, he wore a white button down and blue jeans, he was also barefoot.

"Hello" said the yellow haired one "My name is Mello"

The other one stood up from where he was making a dice tower "My name is Near. What's your name?" he said shaking my hand. "My name is (y/f/n). Nice to meet you Mello, Near"

"See you later (y/n)" said Roger, shutting the dorm door behind you. Near walks back to finish his dice tower, while Mello lays on the couch reading. 

"Impressive tower" I say to Near as he adds one dice on top of the other. "Thanks Miss (l/n)" he smiled.

"Miss (l/n)?" asked Mello, putting his book down "How old are you?"

I smile" Please boys, stop calling me Miss (l/n). Call me (y/n). And I'm 20 years old. How old are you 2 then?" Near looks at me "I'm 12 and Mello's 13" 

"Well, you boys better behave when I'm here" I laugh "or there'll be trouble"

"Okay (y/n)" They argreed.

One month later: 

"Morning (y/n)!" said Near sleeply as he walked out of his bedroom. I was already there in the kitchen area, cooking pancakes. "Good morning Near" I said as I ruffled his hair. He sat down at the table.

"I see you are cooking pancakes" he mumbled "You'd never done this before though"

"I thought It'd be nice for a change" I said. Mello walked out of his bedroom "Pancakes huh?" he said looking at them "Well, that's a change" I laughed "Hello Mello" 

I handed the boys a plate of pancakes each. "Thanks (y/n)!" They said happily, digging right in.

While they were eating I decided to cheak my emails. A certain one caught my eye. It had no email adress, just a single L

I opened up the email and began to read it.

Dear (y/n),

This is L, otherwise known as your childhood friend Ryuzaki. I've been working on an important case, known as the Kira Case. Kira is a mass- murderer responsible for killing 100's of people.

I remember your good detective skills as a child, and I have decided I need your help right away.

I'm in Tokyo, Japan.

Hope one day I'll see you (y/n).



I snap my laptop shut, I have to show Roger. Ryuzaki? L? I can't beleive it. I knew he had good detective skills and we would often play police when we were young. But this? It sounds very far fetched.

"I gotta go show Roger something boys" I say to Mello and Near.  "Okay (y/n)" They replied.

I walk to Roger's office, laptop in hand, what will he say? Will he let me go?

I knock on Roger's office door. "Come in!" he calls.

I explain about the email.

Finally he spoke "I acutally got an email about this yesterday" I was suprised "Really?" Roger nodded his head "Yeah, and I give you premission to go to Japan. Email Ryuzaki to let him know"

"Thank you Roger! I better email L and let the boys know right away!" I walk back to the dorm.

"Boys I have some sad news, I have to leave for Japan very soon. I am helping L with the Kira case"

"Wait what?!?!" The boys shouted. I sigh "I know it's sorta last minute, but I have to leave tonight so I can get to Japan on time"

Mello's eyes go all watery "You have to leave?" I hug him tight "I'm sorry Mello, but I'll visit you whenever I can okay?"

"Keep in touch with us right?" Near said hugging me. "I'll try, but I really can garentee anything at the moment" I reply. 

I open my laptop and type an email:

Dear L (Ryuzaki),

Thank you for the email, I'd love to come help with the case. Right now I am in England and I'll get a flight tonight for Toyko.

Hopefully I'll see you there.

Miss you heaps Ryu.

From (y/n)

I walk to my room and quickly back my bags. Then I book a direct flight to Toyko. 

Roger drives me to the airport, Mello and Near insist they come too.

"Now boarding flight 156 direct for Toyko" the microphones ring out.

"I guess this means goodbye" Mello said as he hugs me tight. "Don't worry Mello, I'll visit soon"

Near hugs me too "I'll miss you (y/n)" 

"I love you guys!" I called out, walking through the door to board the plane.

Next stop Japan.

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