Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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OVER 300 VIEWS! OMFG YASSSS! The theme song for this chapter is 'Little Talks'. It is my friend and I's favorite song EVA. xD

Even if it's kinda oldish. xD


L's P.O.V: 

I watched the hooded men drag (Y/N) away from me. Right in front of my eyes. I was too shocked to move, and now I feel like my whole world has been taken from me. 

I shall never forgive myself if something happened to her. 

We had callen the police and gotten back to Wammy's. Near was on his pc and was trying to track (Y/N)'s whereabouts via satalite. I looked at him, hoping he might've found something, he frowned and slowly shook his head. 

Why did this happen to me? She was my world.

My girl. 

Without her I'm nothing. At Wammy's I was the loner. I was shy, alone and always worked on my studies all day. 

But then I met (Y/N). She lit up my life and made me the happiest I've ever been in a long time. And now I feel like all the colour has drained from my world.

Why did this have to happen? It's all my fault!

This was starting to become to much for me. I ran to my room and locked the door, but I forgot all (Y/N)'s stuff was there too. The sight of it made me sick and I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

I had to find (Y/N). Even if it is the last thing I do.

Your P.O.V:


I try to find my way back to headquaters, but get lost in a large school. Now, what the hell is happening? I'm kidnapped by some weirdos and I wake up finding myself back in Japan. My eyes fall on some sort of black notebook, just sitting on the ground. So, me, being my curious self, walk up to the book and pick it up. 

The cover read 'Death Note'. Huh? Is this a sort of prank? I flip the cover over and inside there had some kind of rules. Whoevers name is written in this notebook dies? The writer must have the person's face in mind when writing his or her name so people sharing the same name will not be affected? Huh? Is this a sort of sick prank? This sounds like something Kira would use.

I flinch at the word Kira and slowly back away from the 'Death Note', sitting myself down on a nearby bench. I see a boy walk up to the notebook and pick it up, taking it with him. I recognised the boy to be Light Yagami. 

Suddenly it clicked. He's Kira. The Death Note's his weapon. He is Kira.

Wait what? I litterally don't know anymore.

All I know is that I am 47% sure Light is Kira.


I wake up suddenly, I was still blindfolded and I could feel a piercing at my neck. I  could also feel a hot breath on my face. I gasp as I feel the knife cut across my neck, leaving a small line. It stings so much, but I hold in my yelp. 

Help me me.......

I hear one of the kidnappers say "Should we take off her blindfold now, or not?" 

"No, keep it on her, let her suffer longer" said a faintly fimiliar voice. Now...where had I heard that voice before? The voice walked up to me and put his cold hard hands on my shoulder. 

"Hello girly" His voice purred. I struggled to get away from his grip, but I was bound to a chair, with my hands tired behind my back. My legs were also tied to the chair legs. 

"Get away from me..." I groan, shaking my shoulders to get rid or the imposter. He then purred quiety "Don't worry young lady, just give us what we want and we'll let you free" 

I snarl and snap back "What do you even want you idiots?" One of the kidnappers traced your arm with the cold knife blade, "Oh nothing really. Just a bit of fun"

It was that familiar voice again. I finally said "Wait....I know that voice. What's your name?". He growled harshly, "That's something you don't need to know Missy! Now shut up or else"

I felt the sharp knife trace my arm, then it cut into me slowly. I whined in pain but the attacker just continued to cut more. I felt the blood fill my fingers and drip into the floor, splattering everywhere. 

After a long torturous hour of cuts and bruises I feel faint and rest my head on my shoulders. 

Well, this is it. I am ready to die. "Please.....just kill me already" I quietly plea. The attackers stop their private talking and question my request "What? Really?" 

I feel a tear slip down my face "Just shut up and kill me already! If I can't be with my love then just fucking kill me!" Footsteps walked up to me and finally said "If that is your request. Fine then" 

He picks up something from the table not too far away and I felt it gentley knick my neck. "At your count sir" He talks to the other guy. 

Suddenly he said the unthinkable "Take off her blindfold" 

"Really sir?"


"But why?"

"Oh, just because I can"

Finally after a long 5 minutes of back and forth I felt the fabric around my eyes finally fall to my lap. The bright white light was blinding. But after a minute I opened my eyes to face my kidnappers

My mouth opens to an O. 

So does the guy with black hair.




Annnndddd......I'll leave it here. Sowwy for not updating in eva! I've been busy with school. 

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