chapter eight

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Ivy Stewart

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Ivy Stewart


Taylor's laugh filled the small trailer, the blonde women smiling widely at the screen. Ivy was sat at the couch, her phone propped up on the small table as she was enjoying a few last moments of her break before she had to be back on set.

The day had started early for Ivy. She left her house in the early hours of the mornings and had been on set all day. Only now catching a break to eat some lunch, also deciding to call Taylor to keep her company and catch up after yesterday's show.

"I did," Taylor admitted, biting her lip playfully. "Did you catch that?"

"Catch that?" Ivy scoffed, leaning in closer to her phone. The memories from last night flooded her mind—her conversation with Margaret had gone long, but she managed to catch the livestream just before Taylor started the surprise song set. Witnessing the blonde woman's choices for the evening.

"I've put on a livestream just in time," Ivy said with a grin. "And then you hit me with this."

"I figured you might like those," Taylor teased, her smile wide as she packed the rest of her things in her suitcase.

"Like?" Ivy rolled her eyes dramatically. She set down her fork, turning her attention to the blue eyed woman on the screen. "Understatement of the year. You know those are some of my favorites."

"I'm glad I could surprise you a little," Taylor chuckled softly, her eyes shining.

Ivy sank deeper into the couch, smiling. "You more than surprised me. It was perfect. You were perfect." She took another bite of her food, smiling at Taylor.

"So, how's today been?" Taylor asked, her voice soft and curious.

"It's been good," Ivy said, leaning back against the cushions. "Keeping myself busy, there were some intense scenes today. I already feel sore," she sighed dramatically, stretching her arms over her head.

"You need to rest, go have a massage or a hot bath later. Don't over do it, baby,"

Ivy smiled at that. "You're one to talk. You're the one who just pulled off two three-hour concerts day to day and still looks like you could do another one."

Taylor laughed lightly. "That's the adrenaline talking. Trust me, I'll crash soon."

„So what's the plan like for now?" Ivy asked intrigued what the blonde woman had planned for the week.

"I've gotta finish packing. Then I'm catching a plane to New York," Taylor began. " I've got a week before the next show, so I'm heading there to work on some stuff for the new album with Jack."

"I wish you could've come to LA," Ivy wondered.

"I know, I wish I could too," Taylor said, her smile softening. "If it wasn't for the fact that I had already reserved a studio for the album sessions I'd be there right this second."

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