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Sincerely, Lucien.

The room was still buzzing with tension as I tried to focus on the discussion. I could feel the frustration radiating off Marlena as we argued over our strategy. Her eyes flashed with a defiant fire, and every time she moved, the fabric of her shirt shifted, revealing more of her skin. It was distracting, to say the least.

I saw her shift again, the movement catching my attention. It was almost as if she was deliberately provoking me, though I knew she wasn't. Her defiant stance, her stubbornness—it all contributed to the charged atmosphere. I struggled to keep my mind on the task at hand, but her proximity and the underlying tension were almost overwhelming.

"Fine," she snapped, turning away from me. "If you're so set on your plan, then go ahead. I'll support whatever decision is made."

Her voice was a mixture of frustration and resignation, but I could sense the underlying heat. It was impossible to ignore how her anger seemed to fuel the electric charge between us. As she walked away, I noticed the way her movements were laced with an almost sensual grace. It was infuriating and alluring all at once.

I tried to rein in my emotions. The last thing I wanted was to give her any more reason to think she had me rattled. But the way she looked at me, the fire in her eyes, it stirred something deep within me. I had always known Marlena was strong-willed and fiercely independent, but seeing her like this, caught between anger and something else entirely, made it harder to keep my feelings in check.

"Maybe we should all take a step back," Judah suggested, his voice cutting through the heated discussion. "We need to find a middle ground that everyone can agree on."

I shot him a quick look, annoyed but also grateful for the interruption. I needed to regain my composure. Marlena's gaze was now focused elsewhere, but I could still feel the tension lingering in the air. It was like a live wire, crackling with unresolved energy.

"Fine," I said, trying to control the edge in my voice. "But don't expect me to back down just because Marlena's upset."

The room was filled with murmurs as the group tried to refocus on the plan. I couldn't help but notice how Marlena's brothers were watching us closely. Their protective instincts were on high alert, and it was clear they didn't like the tension between us. Mylo, Isaac, Lennox, Judah—they all looked uncomfortable, their gazes flicking between Marlena and me with varying degrees of disapproval.

Isaac cleared his throat, his voice firm as he tried to bring order to the chaos. "Let's refocus on the plan. We need to make a decision and move forward."

I nodded, though my attention was still partially on Marlena. The way her shirt clung to her, the subtle curve of her body as she moved—it was hard to ignore. I knew it was wrong to let my feelings get in the way of our plans, but the attraction between us was undeniable.

Marlena's presence was a constant reminder of the unresolved tension between us. Every glance, every touch, only seemed to stoke the fire. It was infuriating and irresistible at the same time. As we worked through the details of our strategy, I could feel her eyes occasionally darting toward me, a mixture of frustration and something softer. It was like she was torn between her anger and a deeper, more complicated emotion.

I tried to stay focused on the task, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Marlena. The way she moved, the way she looked at me—it was hard to ignore. It was a constant battle between wanting to bridge the gap and maintain control.

As the meeting dragged on, I couldn't shake the feeling that this tension between us was building toward something inevitable. Marlena was a force of nature, and though she was infuriating at times, she was also captivating. The conflict between us, the way our arguments seemed to spark something deeper—it was almost impossible to ignore.

When the meeting finally wrapped up, I couldn't help but glance over at Marlena. She was talking with her brothers, their protective presence a stark contrast to the magnetic pull between us. It was clear they didn't approve of the way we interacted, and their disapproval only heightened the tension.

As I prepared to leave the room, I felt Marlena's gaze on me once more. There was an intensity in her eyes, a challenge that I couldn't ignore. The attraction was undeniable, and despite everything, it only seemed to grow stronger. The conflict between us was far from resolved, and if anything, it seemed to be reaching a boiling point.

I walked out of the room, my mind still tangled with the threads of our argument and the undeniable pull between us. The next move was crucial, and while I was determined to see it through, I couldn't shake the feeling that the unresolved tension with Marlena was going to play a significant role in whatever happened next.

Sincerely, Marlena Where stories live. Discover now