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Sincerely, Lucien.

The heat of the kiss lingered between us, creating a charged silence that felt both exhilarating and fraught. As our breaths mingled, I found myself drawn to Marlena with an intensity that was impossible to ignore. The arguments, the suppressed tension—it all seemed to culminate in this one, fervent moment.

I pulled her closer, our bodies pressed together as though they were magnetically attracted. Her hands slid up to my hair, fingers tangling in the strands as she deepened the kiss. Her lips were warm and demanding, moving against mine with a mix of urgency and need. It was a kiss that spoke of pent-up frustration, of desires that had been simmering beneath the surface for too long.

Our mouths moved together in a rhythm that felt almost primal. I could feel the softness of her skin against my chest, the way her body seemed to melt into mine. My hands roamed over her back, exploring the curves and angles that had always been just out of reach. Her breath hitched when my fingers traced the line of her spine, and I could sense the shiver that ran through her.

"Marlena," I murmured against her lips, my voice rough with emotion. "I need to understand—"

She silenced me with another kiss, her lips parting slightly as her tongue brushed against mine. The kiss was deep and passionate, filled with a desperation that spoke of all the things we hadn't said. Her body pressed harder against mine, and I could feel the swell of her chest against my own. The physical closeness only heightened the intensity of our connection.

I guided her toward the wall, her back hitting it with a soft thud as I continued to kiss her. My hands slid down to her hips, pulling her closer as our bodies aligned in a way that made the world outside seem irrelevant. The rough surface of the wall pressed into her back, but she didn't flinch—if anything, it seemed to heighten her sense of urgency.

As we kissed, my hands roamed over her thighs, feeling the warm skin beneath the hem of her shorts. I could sense the quickened pace of her heartbeat, the way her breath came in short, rapid bursts. Her fingers traced along my jawline, her touch both tender and insistent.

I pulled away slightly, our breaths mingling as we looked into each other's eyes. There was a raw intensity in her gaze, a depth of emotion that I hadn't fully understood until now. Her cheeks were flushed, lips slightly swollen from the fervor of our kisses.

"Lucien," she said, her voice a low whisper. "This...this changes things. I don't know how we're supposed to handle this."

I cupped her face in my hands, my thumbs brushing over her cheeks. "I don't have all the answers," I admitted. "But I know that this—" I gestured between us, "—this is something I need to explore."

She nodded slowly, her eyes never leaving mine. "Maybe," she murmured. "And if it makes things worse?"

I kissed her again, my hands sliding down to her waist as I pulled her closer. "We won't know until we try," I said softly against her lips. "But right now, I just need to feel this, whatever it is."

We continued to kiss, the world outside fading away as we lost ourselves in each other. Every touch, every caress was a silent conversation, a way of expressing what words couldn't fully capture. The intensity of our connection was all-consuming, a way of bridging the gap between us and making sense of the tangled emotions that had been simmering for so long.

Sincerely, Marlena Where stories live. Discover now