Closed Doors - Part 2

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WARNING TAGS - Sexual Content. Choking. Male x Male. Mature language and descriptive imagery. 18+ content.

CATEGORY - Smut. Mutual Pinning.

PREVIEW - Part 2 of Closed Doors. Logan joins Wade in bed.


"C'mere," Wade cooed, beckoning Logan toward the bed with his index finger.

The bedroom remained dim, only illuminated by the nightlight in the corner outlet. Wade laid spread on the bed, one arm propped behind his head. Only a thin bedsheet covered his hips and thighs. Logan's eyes wandered over Wade's upper body and shoulders. So slender and toned, he imagined his fingers trailing down the bumpy skin.

Logan stood just inside the room, a couple feet in front of the bed. His breathing increased as he remembered what he just witnessed outside the door moments earlier. Wade, naked and panting, gasping and moaning his name. His name.

"What's wrong, peanut? Cat got your tongue?"

Wade studied his face, a slight smirk playing on his lips. Swaying lightly, Logan stared back with his mouth parted, confused. What exactly is he doing in this room right now? Seriously, what was he thinking? Wade clearly called him in here to embarrass him. Taunt him for spying, he's sure of it. He deserves it, after all, for creeping on Wade in such a way.

"S-sorry," Logan muttered, turning around. "I'll leave you alone. I didn't mean to bother you."

"No - Logan, please." Wade leaned forward in bed. "I'm being serious. Please... come lay down?"

Logan peered at him over his shoulder, one hand resting on the door knob. Can he really believe that Wade is being serious? Actually wants him to stay? Join him? After weighing his options, he figured, what does he even have to lose at this point?

He could've sworn Wade's body visually relaxed as he turned and approached the bed. A nervous energy buzzed around him. Wade scooted over to the opposite edge of the bed, making room for Logan to lie beside him. He grabbed a sheet from the floor and pulled it onto the bed with him, situating himself beside Wade.

"So." Wade cleared his throat, turning his head to face Logan.


Sleepy eyes trailed over Logan's face, Wade's gaze lingering on his lips. Both of them breathing steady and slow, the dusk of the bedroom hiding their lustful thoughts.

"What's your favorite color?"

"My what?"

"Favorite color. Ya know, colors?"

Logan blinked a few times, trying to understand what Wade is getting at. Logan's thoughts rattled in his head. Wade calls him into the bedroom where he was just jerking off, asks him to lay beside him with no clothes on, to just to ask about his favorite color? What sort of gay agenda is-

"Mine's pink," Wade admitted, smiling slightly. "Pink feels soft and light. Pinkie Pie is pink too."

Logan couldn't but laugh. "Pink? I thought yours would be red."

"No, no, Logan. You see, I wear red so bad guys can't see me bleed, not because it's my favorite color." Wade narrowed his eyes. "So, what's yours then? Yellow?"

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