Closed Doors

518 11 19

WARNING TAGS - Sexual Content. Masturbating. Mature language. Spying.

CATEGORY - Domestic Fluff. Non-contact Smut. Masturbation. 

PREVIEW - Logan spies on Wade while he's "asleep."


Ice softly cracked as Logan filled his glass with water from the tap. He slowly turned off the faucet and took a sip of water. The cold burned his throat, but he welcomed how it clenched his thirst.

"Ah," he sighed, licking his lips. It's been close to three months since he officially moved in with Wade and Althea. Although it's a small, run-down dingy apartment, Logan considers it his home for the time being.

He finished his glass of water and refilled it again. Standing in the dusky, moonlit kitchen, the place almost looked like a normal home. Deadpool's red suit draped over the couch, a laundry basket of Althea's clothes, dishes piled in the sink, an empty pizza box on the counter, Logan's muddy boots by the front door. He liked to pretend they were normal and human, sometimes. The darkness held a dream that couldn't ever be his reality.

With his glass of ice water full again, Logan wandered over to the refrigerator and peeked inside. Nothing but a few beers and a half cartoon of eggs. He made a mental note to go grocery shopping with Wade in the morning. He stood a few moments longer, compiling a list of food he would buy and the meals him and Wade enjoyed. He typically wouldn't have let the fridge light illuminate the kitchen so long, but Althea is out playing her "late night BINGO" and Wade previously called dibs on the one bedroom the night before.

"You got the bedroom last week, dip-shit. It's my turn," Logan complained to Wade, frowning.

"You didn't call shotgun fast enough, baby cakes. Rules are rules. Dibs are dibs," Wade stated, a stupid smirk plastered on his lips.

"I'll take a 'shotgun' to your fucking head," Logan muttered, turning away and accepting defeat.

"Hmmm?" Wade purred, amused. "Nobody said you couldn't sleep in there with me. It'd be like a sleepover! We can cuddle and share our deepest darkest secrets!"

"Fuck off, Wade."

He rolled his eyes at the memory, but felt himself smiling too. Quietly closing the door to the fridge, Logan turned away and began tip-toeing back to his make-shift bed in the living room. He set his glass on the end table, but before lying down on his bed of blankets, he felt his ears perk up.

Logan tilted his head slightly, freezing in place. A soft rustling came from the other side of the room. He lifted his head, eyes searching for the noise in the darkness. Eventually they landed on the bedroom door across the hallway. The rustling stopped and a faint hissing sound took it's place. Logan could feel his heart beginning to race in his chest. Fearing that something might be wrong, he swiftly crossed the room and stopped in front of Wade's bedroom door. The door was barely cracked open, only enough for Logan to peer inside with one eye. 

Remaining still and listening, he could hear more clearly. The rustling and hissing continued, followed by a soft panting sound. Logan blinked and relaxed his shoulders. False alarm. Must just be Wade making noises in his sleep. He placed a gentle hand on the door, slowly pushing it open a bit more to get a better look.

Wade laid on his back in bed, blankets pulled up on his chest and eyes closed. The bedroom was almost completely dark except for a pink night light plugged into a corner outlet. Logan could make out the delicate curve of Wade's nose and lips. His skin, although textured and rough, appeared to glow softly in the dim light. Logan sighed quietly to himself, thankful that everyone is safe. He swore to protect this little slice of home he has with Wade. Maybe a little dysfunctional and off-putting to most. But this is Logan's safe place for him and Deadpool. After all, home isn't really a place; it's a person.

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