Nights Like This

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WARNING TAGS - Brief mentions of a knife, drugs, and alcohol. Mature language.

CATEGORY - Domestic Fluff. Mutual Pinning.

PREVIEW - A 2:00 A.M talk in the kitchen. Wade tries convincing Logan to move in with him.


Wade watched the wall clock tick quietly from across the room. 1:47 A.M. He studied the unmoving shadows around him. Gray and placid. Their one bedroom apartment is small. The bedroom could barely be a closet in other homes. A single mattress and broken nightstand fill the entire space. Cozy. Althea is out and about, who really knows where. She doesn't say anymore now that Logan is hanging around here often. Logan had stated he was going out for a few beers. That was 5 hours ago.

Rolling over in bed, Wade tried closing his eyes again. Sleep doesn't find him easily anymore. He actually can't remember the last time it did. Wade would like to say things have gotten better since Logan came to be. It all sort of happened accidentally. Like a molasses spill where they both could've ran away and avoided the mess, but they didn't. They allowed it to trap them together and now they're stuck. Not really sure where to go from here.

"His damn shit is everywhere, Wade. I keep tripping on it." Althea had mentioned one morning.

"What do you want me to do about it, Al? He's a Wolverine, not a housemaid. Though he's kinda slutty like one..."

"Cut the shit. I know he's living here. He should be paying rent. Especially if he's gonna spend so much time making a fuckin' mess."

Wade had thought it over and ultimately agreed. Logan was there almost every single day and most nights. He didn't really have anywhere else to go. Wade was the only person he knew, especially in terms of super human abilities. And, to be honest, domestic life suited them. He'd sometimes wake to Logan beside him on the couch, arm slung over him and snoring softly in his ear. Or, he'd walk in on Logan cooking something up on the stove, humming quietly to himself. He'd pretend to not notice or care much, but Wade loved when he cooked. He was pretty damn good at it, too. Who doesn't love a man who can cook? Mm.

Bringing up the conversation of moving in with Logan was a different story though.

"You're here all the time anyways, Lo. It's just making it official. Althea wants you to help with the rent."

"I'm not living here. I'm just staying till I can find my own place. I'll stop bothering you if it's too much," Logan had said, frowning.

"No, no. That's what I had said to her, too. But, it's really no problem if you want to just stay temporarily. I just thought..."

"You just thought what?"

"You know... thought you liked walking in on Al and I snortin' crack off the toilet seat, I don't know. Forget I said anything."

Wade cringed at their previous talk together. That was three days ago. He used humor to cover up his true thoughts again. Reality was, he wanted to ask Logan to stay and live with them. With him, permanently. It's been close to a month since they saved his timeline together and Wade has grown to love having the Wolverine around. He made their one bedroom shit-hole a home. 

Turning over in bed again, he sighed. He's craving a good nights sleep but it just isn't happening today. He rolled onto his back and glanced at the clock again. 1:50 A.M.

"The fuck," Wade groaned, annoyed. "Feels like hours have gone by." 

Exhausted, he slid out of bed and silently opened the bedroom door. He stepped into the silent hallway, wearing only boxer shorts and fuzzy socks. The apartment was eerily quiet without anyone home. He felt the need to tiptoe as he made his way to the kitchen.

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