Second Chance

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WARNING TAGS - Mature language. Hurtful dialogue. Mention of cigarettes.

CATEGORY - Fluff. Angst. Mutual Pinning. Softcore.

PREVIEW - Wade, angry with Logan's new behaviors, confronts him while watching TV. They both learn something new about each other.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Wade opened the microwave and pulled out a steaming bag of popcorn. The comforting buttery aroma drafted out of the kitchen and into the living room. He pulled open the bag and dumped the contents into a bowl. He grabbed a can of cola from the fridge and meandered his way over to the couch where Blind Al sat patiently waiting.

"Where's your Wolverine friend?" She asked as Wade situated himself. He set the soda and popcorn bowl on the coffee table in front of them.

"The bar? Strip club? Liquor store? Sex shop? Dead in a ditch?"

"Shut up. This ain't twenty questions."

"I don't know, Al. He's in and out of here all the time," Wade admitted, scrolling through channels with the TV remote.

"If he wasn't so noisy at night, I don't think I'd know he was even here. I wish he'd stay around more. He's a nice man. Logan actually cleans the dishes and picks up his clothes and-"

"Yeah, yeah. He's a fuckin' perfect angel that can do no wrong. Got it."

Wade found the channel he was searching for. Placing the popcorn bowl in his lap, he kicked his feet up and got comfy. The theme song Superman played over TV speakers, drowning out Althea's irritated groan.

"What stick is up your ass today, Wilson? First you're pissy when Logan left this morning without saying goodbye and now you're pissy again when I ask where he's at. Is something going on?"

"Al, I'm not against hitting a senior citizen. So shut those granny lips before I slap them fuckers off. Scrubs is on. Zip it."

Wade's eyes drilled into the TV screen. He knew being rude to Althea wasn't going to bury the aching feeling in his chest. She wasn't wrong about his sour mood today. His head was festering with anxiety and doubts. Wade had the same questions Althea did. Where was Logan?

"I'm not dealing with this bullshit. I'm going to the corner store. I need some fuckin' cigarettes to deal with your dumbass," Al muttered, slowly standing up from the couch.

"Kay. Hope you get run over by a car." Wade grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it into his mouth.

Althea yanked her jacket off the kitchen chair and stammered over to the front door. She muttered every curse word she could think of under her breath.

"And I hope you choke, shithead."

As she opened the door to leave, a familiar voice greeted her at the entrance.

"Hey, Althea. Headed out?"

"Yes. You can deal with his whiny ass."

Wade snapped his head around, peering over the couch at the front door. Logan stood in the doorway, holding it open for Althea to leave. He gently placed his arm around hers, carefully leading her out to the hallway and around the corner to the elevator. Wade found himself rolling his eyes with bitter annoyance. Perfect Angel.

Once Wade could hear Logan's footsteps approaching, he turned his attention back to the TV. He cracked open the can of soda and took a long sip. Wade watched Logan from the corner of his eye. He slipped off both boots and set them next to the door. Then unzipped his jacket and hung it on the hook. Wade waited for Logan to greet him first.

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