14 - Focus

31 4 0

Cebu City - April 12 , 2024

After a few more heartbeats, Micah leaned back, breaking the spell but not the connection. She smiled, a soft, genuine smile that made my heart ache in the best way.

"Micah," I said, almost surprising myself with how soft my voice sounded.

She turned to me, her eyes curious. "Yeah?"

"I just... I wanted to thank you. For today, for everything. I know I must sound like a broken record, but... it means more to me than I can say."

"You don't have to keep thanking me, Aida. I'm happy to help. And honestly, I'm really enjoying getting to know you." She said, her gaze holding mine.

Her words hung in the air, and I felt my heart thud heavily in my chest. For a moment, I wondered if she could hear it. I wanted to say something-anything-but all I could manage was a small, sincere smile.

And as the evening wore on, with the camera now resting on the table between us, I realized that we had so much more to discover about each other, and I was ready-ready to see where this journey would take us, together.

As we made our way home, I realized how much I'd come to value her company. This bond we were forming-whatever it was-felt like an anchor in the middle of a storm. And it wasn't just about needing her help; it was about wanting to be near her, wanting to learn more about her.

When we finally got back to the house, I felt a strange reluctance to let the day end. We settled in, and as the day wound down and the soft evening light streamed through the apartment windows, I found myself sitting on the couch, sipping the tea Micah had made. The warmth of the cup seeped into my hands, but my thoughts were elsewhere-drifting between the comfort of the moment and the strange, new feelings stirring within me.

Micah was in the kitchen, moving about with ease, and I watched her, almost mesmerized by the simple grace in her movements. She caught me looking and smiled, a small, knowing smile that sent a flutter through my chest.

I glanced down at the camera resting beside me, its weight a reassuring presence. I picked it up, feeling the smooth metal under my fingers, and suddenly...

"Micah," I called softly, surprising myself with the suddenness of it.

She turned, her eyes curious. "Yeah?"

I held up the camera. "Would you mind if I took a few pictures of you?"

She raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her gaze. "Of me?"

I nodded, feeling a bit shy now that the idea was out in the open. "Yes... I think I'd like that. You've been teaching me so much, and it would be nice to capture... well, you."

Micah's smile grew warmer, and she nodded, coming over to where I sat. "Sure, Aida. I'd be honored to be your little model." She chuckled as she nudged me a little.

I stood, adjusting the camera in my hands, and Micah settled into the armchair by the window. The soft, pinkish golden light framed her perfectly, casting a gentle glow over her features. I lifted the camera, feeling a strange sense of reverence. As I focused the lens, it struck me how beautiful she looked in that moment-not just physically, but in a way that went deeper, like the warmth she radiated came from within.

"Just be yourself," I murmured, and she chuckled softly, relaxing into the chair.

I began to take photos, each click of the shutter capturing a moment that felt more intimate than the last. Micah laughed at first, her expression light and playful, but as I continued, something shifted. Her gaze softened, her smile grew more tender, and in those quiet moments, I felt like I was seeing a side of her that she rarely let others see.

The camera didn't just capture her; it captured the connection we were forming, the growing bond that neither of us had fully acknowledged yet. With each photo, I felt like I was drawing closer to her, understanding her in a way words could never convey.

After a few more shots, I lowered the camera, feeling a strange mix of emotions-gratitude, admiration, and something deeper that I couldn't quite name. Micah looked at me, her eyes searching mine as if she felt it too.

"Let me see," she said, moving to sit beside me. We huddled close together, the small screen of the camera between us as we scrolled through the photos. Each one seemed to capture a different facet of her-playful, thoughtful, serene. I found myself smiling, not just at the images, but at the fact that I had been able to capture her essence, if only a little.

"These are really good, Aida" Micah said softly, her voice carrying a note of something deeper, something unspoken.

I turned to look at her, our faces so close that I could feel her breath on my skin. "It's because of you," I whispered. "You've shown me so much... more than I can ever thank you for."

For a moment, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in the quiet glow of the evening. I felt the urge to reach out, to close the distance between us, but I hesitated.

Instead, I let the moment linger, allowing it to deepen naturally. Micah's eyes held mine, and in that shared silence, I felt something settle between us-an understanding, a mutual feeling that we didn't need to rush. Whatever was growing between us, it was real, and it was worth waiting for.

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