16 - Self Photograph

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Cebu City - April 13, 2024

The park was peaceful that morning, a light breeze stirring the leaves on the trees, the sun peeking through with a gentle warmth. Aida seemed to relax as we walked, the tension from her morning search slowly melting away. I kept sneaking glances at her, trying to read her mood, but she was hard to pin down—thoughtful one moment, a bit lost the next.

We found a spot near a small fountain and sat on a bench. Aida had brought a camera with her, that small silver one I'd given her. I watched her carefully handle it, her expression focused, her brow furrowed just slightly as she fiddled with the settings. There was something so endearing about the way she handled modern things—tentative, but with a deep curiosity that was pure Aida.

She looked at me, a little spark of excitement in her eyes. "Micah, I think I've figured something out," she said with a hint of pride.

"Oh? What's that?" I asked, playing along, already smiling in anticipation.

She held the camera up and turned it around, so the lens faced us both. "I noticed that people sometimes like to take photos with themselves in them, but no one ever holds and brings a mirror everywhere. So, I thought—why not turn the camera around and click the button?"

I bit my lip to suppress a laugh. "That's... an interesting idea."

She nodded, serious as ever. "I call it a... 'self-photograph.'"

My chuckle slipped out, but I quickly turned it into a supportive smile. "A 'self-photograph,' huh? That's quite the invention, Aida. I like it."

She beamed at me, clearly pleased with herself. "Well, let's give it a try. Hold still, and I'll take one of us together."

I leaned in closer, our shoulders brushing, and watched as she squinted at the screen, her tongue poking out just a bit in concentration. She clicked the button, and I heard the little shutter sound go off. The screen displayed the image a moment later—both of us, side by side, grinning like a couple of kids.

"There, see?" she said, triumphant. "It worked!"

I couldn't help but laugh softly, more at how proud she looked than anything else. "It's perfect, Aida. You're really onto something with this 'self-photograph' idea."

She gave a firm nod, clearly satisfied. "I knew it! Maybe I'm more in tune with this world than I thought."

I smiled, my chest warming at the sight of her so genuinely happy. "You definitely are," I said, watching her as she turned the camera around and took another look at our picture, her lips curving into a soft smile.

"Wait, let's take some more..." Aida says as she points the camera back at us and snapped a few more shots.

"Hey! Why do I look like that there?!" I playfully bantered as I see a photo of me getting captured blinking.

"It's your fault for closing your eyes!" she shot back with a grin.

I laughed, shaking my head as Aida held up the camera triumphantly, clearly enjoying the playful banter. She scrolled through the pictures, stopping on a few others that turned out better, but that one—where I was caught mid-blink—seemed to amuse her the most.

"Alright, alright," I said, still chuckling. "Let me redeem myself. How about we try again, but this time, I'll be ready?"

Aida tilted her head with a mock-serious expression, as if considering my offer. "Hmm... I suppose I could give you a second chance."

She raised the camera again, and I leaned in close, making sure to keep my eyes wide open this time. As she clicked the button, our faces were inches apart, and I could feel the warmth of her presence, that subtle closeness we'd been dancing around for days. The shutter clicked, but neither of us moved immediately.

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