21 - SciFi

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Cebu City - May 21, 2024

Over the next few days, I noticed the shift—subtle but undeniable. I found myself thinking about Aida more often, anticipating the little moments when we'd sit together, or when she'd ask me about some strange modern thing that fascinated her. It was different now. The excitement I felt when I showed her things wasn't just about introducing her to this world—it was something deeper.

I hadn't even realized how much I looked forward to seeing her smile, or how I would linger a little longer when our arms brushed accidentally. It became a daily comfort, and I knew I was growing fond of her. But was it just fondness? Or something more?

One afternoon, while Aida was sitting at the kitchen table, going over an old book I'd given her, I caught myself watching her. She was lost in thought, her brow furrowed as she carefully turned the pages, her fingers brushing delicately over the paper. Something about the way she moved—so deliberate, so graceful—made my heart skip.

Maybe it was the way her curiosity felt so innocent and genuine, or how she made me feel seen in a way I hadn't experienced in a long time. I'd grown so used to her presence that the idea of not having her around suddenly felt like something I couldn't bear.

I wasn't ready to face that. Not yet. So, I kept it to myself, trying to push the feelings down, but each day they seemed to grow stronger. Every shared glance, every laugh we shared—it all felt like more than just friendship to me now.

But I also knew it wasn't simple. 


That evening, after another mundane day of doing things around the house, I found myself lingering in the kitchen with Aida. She was asking me about something she'd read earlier—another detail from the past she couldn't quite reconcile with the present. I answered her, but I was barely paying attention to my own words. I was too focused on the way her eyes lit up when she was curious, how her laugh sounded like a melody I wanted to hear again and again.

And as we cleaned up together, our hands accidentally brushed when we reached for the same dish. I looked up, and for a split second, our eyes met. The air between us felt charged, and I swore I saw something flicker in her gaze—something that made my heart race. But it passed quickly, and she pulled her hand back with a polite smile, as though nothing had happened.

I turned away, trying to calm the pounding in my chest. It was getting harder to hide what I was feeling. But how could I possibly tell her? How could I confess something so strange, so far from anything she was used to?

As I stood there, I realized I was in deeper than I ever intended. And I had no idea what to do next.

A strange thought crept into my mind. How did this happen so quickly? It had barely been two months since we'd met on and here I was—falling, or maybe already fallen.

Could it really be love?

The question gnawed at me, making my heart race in confusion. I didn't fall for people easily. I never let my guard down like this. And yet, Aida had slipped into my life so effortlessly, so naturally, that it was as if she'd always been here. But how could I be in love with someone I'd only known for such a short time?

I glanced at Aida across the room, still reading something from the book she'd been engrossed in all evening. She looked so peaceful, completely unaware of the storm of feelings swirling inside me.

Was it just the strangeness of her situation that drew me in? Or was it something more—the quiet moments we shared, the way she looked at the world with that mix of curiosity and innocence? Maybe it was the fact that she was unlike anyone I'd ever known. Everything about her fascinated me, and I couldn't get enough.

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