17 - Lub Dub

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Cebu City - May 13, 2024

A month slipped by, the days blending together in a comforting rhythm. Aida and I settled into a routine that felt both ordinary and extraordinary. Each morning, we would wake up to the soft light filtering through the curtains, and I'd find her already in the kitchen, experimenting with breakfast recipes from her ventures on the web using my laptop. Her laughter would often fill the air, a bright contrast to the quiet hum of the morning.

We spent afternoons wandering through parks or visiting the library, with Aida becoming more accustomed to the modern world around her. She'd grown fond of my favorite spots—the café with the best pastries, the quiet corners of the university library filled with sunlight, and the local markets bursting with fresh produce. 

During those times, I found myself noticing the little things: the way Aida's eyes sparkled when she discovered something new, or how her laughter rang out like music when I made a silly joke. Our conversations deepened, moving beyond the mundane into the realms of our hopes, dreams, and fears. 

Sometimes, while cooking together, our hands would brush as we reached for the same ingredient, and a spark would flicker between us, sending my heart racing. I would catch her glancing at me from the corner of her eye, and there was something electric in those moments—a connection that felt undeniable.

In the evenings, we'd often curl up on the couch, watching movies I had introduced her to. As the credits rolled, our shoulders would touch, and I'd find myself yearning to lean closer, to close the space that felt so inviting yet so precarious. 

One particular evening, as we settled down with a bowl of popcorn, I felt the familiar thrill when our fingers brushed while passing it back and forth. I could see Aida's cheeks flush slightly, and I knew she felt it too. There was something unspoken hanging in the air, an awareness of our growing closeness that made me both excited and nervous.

"Micah," she said one night, her voice soft as we watched the flickering images on the screen. "You've shown me so much of this world. I can't thank you enough."

I turned to her, meeting her gaze. "You've brought so much to my life too, Aida. It's like... I'm seeing everything through new eyes."

Her smile was warm, and for a moment, we lingered in that gaze, the world around us fading. I felt the urge to reach out, to take her hand, to close the distance that had grown between us, but I hesitated, unsure of how she might react. I then decided against it.

In those quiet moments, I couldn't help but wonder: Was this the beginning of something more? Something beautiful and unexpected that neither of us had anticipated when our worlds collided.

Later that night, after the long day, I settled into bed, the cool air from the air-conditioning washing over me like a welcome relief from the heat. I could hear Aida rustling around in the living room, getting herself comfortable on the couch, as she always did. 

But tonight— I could sense it, the heaviness of the air, even in my room. The sound of her shifting and turning reached my ears, more frequent than normal. Aida was restless, and I knew exactly why. It's the fault of the summer's heat.

I sat up slightly, listening. She tried to stifle a frustrated sigh, and I knew I couldn't just leave her like that. "Aida?" I called softly, hoping I wasn't overstepping. "Are you okay?"

There was a moment of hesitation, then her voice floated back. "It's just... it's quite warm tonight. But I'll manage."

I bit my lip, glancing at the space next to me, then back toward the living room. My heart began to race as an idea formed in my mind, one I wasn't sure I could follow through on without letting my nerves get the best of me. But we were friends, right? We were close now, and it wouldn't be anything strange. Nothing inappropriate.

"I, uh..." I hesitated, trying to keep my voice steady. "You know, my room has air-conditioning. If it's too hot out there, you can... you can sleep in here. There's plenty of space."

Silence. For a moment, I thought she might refuse. Maybe it would be too much, too strange, but then I heard her shift again. "Are you sure?" she asked, her voice cautious, uncertain.

I swallowed hard. "Yeah. I mean, we're both women so there's no malice or anything. Just... it's more comfortable in here. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable all night."

The pause that followed felt like it stretched for an eternity, my heartbeat thumped louder than I wanted it to. Then I heard her footsteps, slow and careful, padding toward the door. When Aida appeared in the doorway, silhouetted by the dim light from the hallway, I gave her a reassuring smile, hoping it would mask the nervous flutter in my chest.

"If you're sure..." she said softly, standing at the edge of the bed, still hesitant.

"I'm sure," I replied, patting the empty space beside me. "Come on. It's just sleep."

She smiled, a little sheepish, and slid into bed beside me. The mattress shifted under her weight, and the cool air from the AC hit both of us, instantly soothing the heat. But as soon as she settled, the proximity was undeniable. Her presence beside me made my skin tingle, and I could feel my heart thudding in my chest, far louder than before.

I turned onto my side, facing away, trying to calm myself down. "See? Better, right?"

"Mhm," she murmured softly. "Much better."

I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the cool air, the softness of the sheets, anything but the warmth of Aida lying just inches away from me. There was no malice, no intention... but the truth was, deep down, having her this close made my heart race in a way I wasn't sure I could ignore much longer.

I took a deep breath, hoping she couldn't hear it in the quiet of the room.

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