The Land of Oz

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The next day, Mirabel was getting ready for her date. She'd gotten her nails done after lunch, and when it was close to 6pm, she put on her ensemble along with a ruby necklace, a matching bracelet, and matching earrings. But as she was looking at her shoes, she heard what sounded like something being blown inside the house. Mirabel just shrugged this off and picked out a good pair of shoes. Now all she had to do was wait for Ramiro. But when Mirabel went downstairs, a bookshelf came loose and tilted downwards to the right—and the books fell from the shelf and hit Mirabel on the head.

"¡Ay!" Mirabel cried. Then she fell to the ground, and when she saw the ceiling fan spinning around, she started feeling dizzy, so dizzy that she just passed out.

A few minutes later, Mirabel woke up, and the ceiling fan wasn't spinning anymore. In fact, the electricity in the house wasn't even working—and there was howling wind. Mirabel got up on her feet to find that many objects were flying around outside. She went over to a nearby window to find that the house was up inside a twister, about 30,000 feet in the air.

"How can there be a tornado?" Mirabel gasped. "It wasn't even windy outside!"

The house was spinning and spinning around, and Mirabel jumped onto a nearby sofa. The wind suddenly died away, and the house was falling fast. In no time, the house landed pretty hard, and it was a miracle that Mirabel didn't get hurt. All was quiet, too quiet. Mirabel wondered where that twister even came from or if everything outside was okay. But when she opened the front door, she found that she wasn't in Colombia anymore, much less Bahía de Mariposa. She was in a strange land with bright green grass, colorful houses, and two brick paths, one yellow and one red.

"Guau, que lugar tan maravilloso," Mirabel gaped. "It doesn't look like I'm in Bahía de Mariposa anymore. Could I have gone over the rainbow?"

Mirabel turned to find a big bubble flying down. She backed up slowly as the bubble flew down, and when it finally hit the ground, it disappeared, revealing a beautiful woman in a dark blue dress with a silver tiara—and she looked just like Imelda.

"Guau, now I know I'm not in Bahía de Mariposa," Mirabel told herself.

The woman came up to Mirabel and said, "Hola, señorita, and welcome to Munchkin Land. Yo soy Linda, la Bruja Buen del Sur. Are you a good witch for a bad witch?"

"Oh, I'm not a witch at all," Mirabel replied.

"Well, you must be very strong in your own special way because your house just crushed la Bruja Malvada del Este," Linda said. "¿Ves, mija?"

Mirabel turned to her house to find the lower half of a body sticking out from under the house, and she was shocked. "Ay, Diós mio, ¿qué hice?" she gasped.

"Algo muy bueno," Linda consoled her. "La Bruja Malvada ruled over Munchkin Land with an iron fist. The Munchkins are happy because you have freed them from la Bruja Malvada." She called out, "It's okay—you may all come out and thank her."

The Munchkins came out to greet their new guest. When they saw la Bruja's body sticking out from under the house, they were overjoyed. The Coroner thoroughly examined la Bruja to make sure she really was dead.

"La Bruja Malvada del Este is dead!" the Coroner announced.

"¡La Bruja se murió!" the Munchkins whooped. They cheered loudly and thanked Mirabel for her act of heroism.

The Mayor Munchkin came up to Mirabel, and some Munchkins took pictures of them. "¡Una celebración!" he announced.

A Munchkin band started playing exciting dance music. Mirabel was pretty good with some dances, like salsa and cumbia, and she saw a nearby horse. The horse was nice enough to let her pet him. Then a Munchkin came up with a bowl of blueberries, and Mirabel picked up a handful and held it out to the horse, who gently ate them from her hand.

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