Puedo hacer que quiero hacer

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In no time, the balloon was set up in the middle of the city, and all the citizens gathered around.

"Mi gente buena, I am about to embark on a dangerous journey to the outer stratosphere," el Mago announced, earning him much applause. "In my absence, you will be under the supervision of Espantapájaros, by virtue of his highly superior brain, assisted by Estaño, by virtue of his beautiful heart, and León, by virtue of his massive courage. Obey them as you would me. Until I return, I hereby bid everyone adiós."

Espantapájaros, Estaño, and León released the balloon's ropes, and everyone cheered as the balloon flew up.

"¡Adiós, mis amigos!" el Mago called.

"¡Adiós!" Mirabel called to her new friends.

The balloon continued to fly, but as it left the city, it didn't seem to be flying any higher.

"I don't know anything about hot-air balloons, but shouldn't this be flying higher?" Mirabel asked.

"Sí, mija," el Mago said. "Then again, this balloon hasn't flown since I got here." But then he heard something, something he didn't want to hear. "¿Oyes algo?"

Mirabel did hear something, and she already didn't like it. She looked up to find that the thread keeping the balloon closed was coming loose. "The thread is coming loose," she gasped. "It's not strong enough to keep the balloon closed!"

It was true—the balloon needed a patch to fix the leak, and it was falling pretty fast.

"Brace yourself, Mirabel," el Mago gulped.

Just about 50 feet away from the gates of Ciudad de Amitista, the balloon crashed to the ground, and the basket tipped over. The gates to the city opened, allowing Espantapájaros, Estaño, and León to come out and see their friends.

"¿Están buenos, amigos?" Estaño asked.

"Are you okay?" León chimed in.

"Estoy bien," el Mago spoke up.

"Igual," Mirabel said. "I guess Espantapájaros was right—just sewing up the hole wasn't enough to fix the balloon."

"I'm sorry, Mira," el Mago apologized. "It looks like we're stuck here."

"No importa," Mirabel sighed. "I don't know about you, but for me, this is for the best. Maybe it's better if I stay here in Oz."

Everyone was shocked to hear that. They loved Mirabel, but they were shocked that she would rather stay here in Oz.

"Mirabel, why would you say that?" Espantapájaros asked.

"Because my high school bullies can't reach me here," Mirabel replied. "Remember, they followed me to college, so they could keep bringing me down for doing what I love and working hard for my goals."

"Mirabel, we know bullying is unacceptable at any age, but running away from your problems isn't going to make them go away," Espantapájaros said.

"Es cierto," Estaño agreed. "You have the heart of a bull, so you should be strong enough to face those cabrones."

"And don't be afraid to put them in their place," León spoke up. "They need to know when to stop and let you live your life."

Mirabel knew that it wasn't smart or brave to stay here in Oz just because she didn't want to see her bullies' faces. "Tienen razón," she smiled. "I should return to Bahía de Mariposa, where I belong, and I'm going to bring down my bullies!"

Everyone cheered loudly. Mirabel was going to bring down her high school bullies and stop them from hurting her. Now there was only one really big problem.

"Claro, I won't actually do that if I don't get back to Bahía de Mariposa," Mirabel sighed. "Ay, ¿qué voy a hacer?"

Espantapájaros, Estaño, and León had no idea how to help their friend. El Mago felt bad that he couldn't help Mirabel, but he couldn't waste his time feeling guilty because there was something more important than that.

"Mira, here's someone who can help you," el Mago said, pointing to the sky.

There was a big bubble flying to Ciudad de Amitista, and Mirabel knew that bubble anywhere. Maybe Linda could help her. Once the bubble landed, Linda appeared, and she went up to Mirabel, who was more than happy to see her.

"Ay, will you help me? Can you help me? ¿Por favor?" Mirabel asked desperately.

"You don't need to be helped any longer, mija," Linda smiled. "You've always had the power to go back to Bahía de Mariposa."

"¿Sí?" Mirabel gaped.

"I'm happy with helping others get what they need, but why didn't you tell her from the start?" el Mago asked.

"Because she wouldn't have believed me," Linda replied. "She had to learn it for herself."

"What have you learned, Mirabel?" Estaño asked.

Mirabel thought about what she'd learned during her time in Oz. "Aprendí mucho," she replied. "I learned that we can all help our friends in the way we know how, and that what we're really looking for is within us. We need self-esteem to solve our problems. We have every right to do whatever we want, regardless of what others may believe. Is that right?"

"Es todo," Linda smiled.

"But that's so easy," Espantapájaros sniffed. "I should've thought of that for you."

"I should've found it in my heart," Estaño said.

"No, she had to learn it for herself," Linda smiled. "Now those magic chanclas will take you home in two seconds."

Mirabel was pleased that she was going home, but at the same time, she was going to miss her new friends. "I'm really going to miss you all," she told her friends.

"Now I know I have a heart because it's breaking," Estaño said sadly.

"Maybe we'll see you along down the road," Espantapájaros said. "Nunca sabes."

"Lo espero," Mirabel smiled.

"Recuerda, mija, courage," León said.

"I'll remember," Mirabel said.

"Take care of yourself, Mira," el Mago said.

"Igualmente," Mirabel smiled sadly. Then she turned to Linda and said, "Okay, Linda, estoy lista."

"Close your eyes," Linda said.

Mirabel closed her eyes.

"Tape your heels together three times," Linda continued.

Mirabel tapped her heels three times.

"Now think to yourself 'Puedo hacer que quiero hacer'," Linda smiled.

"Puedo hacer que quiero hacer," Mirabel repeated. "Puedo hacer que quiero hacer." She continued to say this repeatedly and tapped her heels three more times.

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