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When Salvatore finally returned, the heavy glass door slid open, and she turned, her heart racing.

There he was, his massive frame blocking most of the sunset's glow.


Kailani had spent the day roaming around the huge glass house with no aim.

If she had left last night like she planned, she would have possibly been at home by now, safe. But instead, she told herself to wait, wait for what?

But little did she know that Salvatore was watching her the whole time on the cameras. Sat in his car as he worked on his laptop and inspected her actions.

He planned on going back hours ago, but he wanted to see how long she could last.


She walked over to him, a little skip in her walk and a bright smile on her face as she took the huge flower bouquet from him that he held towards her.

"Thank you. Where did you go?"
She asks even though she knows he won't answer.

Without a word, he motioned for her to go wash up and shower and she obeyed.

As she stepped back into the kitchen, she was greeted by the rich aroma of spices and herbs wafting through the air. Salvatore had been busy preparing her favorite meal, his muscles flexing with every movement making her mouth part at the sight.

She watched him, captivated by the way he worked. The muscles in his arms flexed as he stirred a pot on the stove, his hand reaching up to push his hair back every now and then as she stood at the counter, yapping about her day to him as he took in every word.

"and then I thought I saw a flower walking but no, it was just a leaf blowing through the house, but that's cool too! And I like leaves, I like stepping on them to hear them crunch but...that's kind of sad...I wouldn't like it if someone stepped on me."

After what felt like an eternity, he plated the food and set it before her, stepping back to allow her to take it in. The vibrant colors of the dish made her stomach rumble in anticipation, and she wasted no time digging in. The first bite exploded with flavor, and she closed her eyes, savoring the moment.

“Delicious, thank you" she murmured, glancing up to see Salvatore watching her intently, his huge arms crossed over his chest as he took the seat in front of hers, watching her eat.

He didn't eat, instead, he smoked a cigar, slipping it under the bottom of his mask to inhale and smoke coming out the sides, top and bottom of it as he exhaled, his eyes never leaving her.

His eyes filled with admiration and awe as he watched her like she was the most delicate flower in the world, but to him, she was.

To him, she was more than a flower, she was Mother Nature herself.

She was the bane of his existence and so, why would he ever need to believe in anything else when he had her, his everything.

She notices him staring at her and pouts, thinking that he must be hungry.

She brings a spoonful up to him and gestures it to him only for him to shake his head.

"Oh...okay" she mutters, her soft voice even softer than usual.

She finished up her dinner and drank all her water then suddenly, Salvatore set out his cigar and lifted her up, carrying her with one hand, setting her on his hip like a baby as he made the way to his bedroom

It was huge with glass everywhere, even the ceiling giving a view of the canopy and the stars in the pitch black sky, but why would he need to look up when the brightest one was in his arms.

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