Escaping(attempt 2 part 1)

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Danielle's Pov
I woke up before Chuck and knowing he would be out for a few more hours hours I left to get ready for escape #2. I got another satchel with no letters in it because I'm going with chuck this time. I imagined money, food, and clothes and put them in the bag along with a cell phone. I went to the entrance of my and Bae's cave and pulled the rope. The entrance swung opened and I slowly went in. Our once homey cave now looked desolate and ragged. There was only one mattress now and I have no idea where everything went. I saw the cocoanut on a table and I grabbed it quickly stuffing it in my bag and ran out of the tomb of sadness. By then chuck should be waking up and I made my way to the treehouse. When I got up there I saw a very panicked chuck. "Chuck, what's wrong with you?" I asked, I was a bit freaked out by his pacing. "Danielle! Where have you been? I thought you had abandoned me!" I was a bit insulted that chuck thought that but our basis for trust wasn't exactly sturdy. "oh, well I was just getting stuff for our trip back" I said defending myself. "You already know how to escape?" "Yeah I helped a friend of the island once" "why didn't you go with him" "I was but he didn't need me to go he was fine by himself" I frowned looking at the ground
"Well he was an idiot for ditching you" chuck said, that kid was just too sweet "thanks chuck".Then there was this awkward silence then chuck just blurted out "Every time there is an awkward silence a homosexual baby is born" "what?" "Nothing! So... what IS the plan?" "Well I'm going to capture the shadow in this cocoanut and then we will release it and make it take us to Storybrooke" "okay sounds good to me!" chuck responded cheerfully. How that child was so optimistic at this moment confused me but it was very refreshing compared to the lost boys gloom and doom. "What can I do to help?" chuck asked "well you can... go... get... water!" "you were planning on doing the whole thing my yourself weren't you?" "Umm, yeah" I said scratching my neck in embarrassment. "Well now I can help you capture pan's shadow!" chuck said, again with his great attitude. "Okay then I guess you can come to the darkest part of the island where all of pan's victim's shadows are and there is no light or water with me!" I said trying to deter him. "Great! Let's go now!" I was a little shocked by his reaction but I figured if he was this happy about this he deserved to come. I went out the door cocoanut in hand and a box of matches. I climbed into the bucket and waited for chuck to get in. When he did I lowered us into the ground got out and started for the dark forest. Chucked jogged after me with enthusiasm.
----time skip-----
We had reached the forest without trouble. unless you count being annoyed with chuck trying to start a conversation. I guess that is how Bae felt with me when I first got here. When we entered the dark forest (okay if you guys are like really with the name please tell me a better one because I forgot what it was called) chuck looked uneasy. Which was a relief for me because he shut up, man I need to get off this island it was making me into a horrible person. We had been walking around for a while and I told chuck we needed to make as much noise as possible. So chuck started hopping up and down, stepping on twigs, and singing Justin bieber. Long story short he channeled his inner annoying. I was almost ready to strangle the curly haired child baby when it got cold and dark. I know what you're thinking, oh no a cloud passed over the sun! But no that was the shadow, pan's shadow to be exact. When Chuck looked up he saw it squeaked and hid behind a tree, i would of done the same except I had to capture the darn thing. Me being the human I am took ten tries to light the cocoanut and shut it but I did and sealed it with duck tape. I felt like this was real life poke'mon (it that how you spell it?) beep beep YOU HAVE CAPTURED "THE SHADOW" CONGRATULATIONS. And then I need a new pokeball (spling?) whatever I did it and chuck came out from behind his tree with a wet spot on his pants. I tried to look subtle by looking down with head gestures but he just didn't get it " umm... check yourself because you've wrecked yourself!" I said staring at a tree. Chuck looked down and blushed I handed him a pair of pants from the bag and turned around. A few minutes later chuck came out with new pants and a red face. I awkwardly gestured my head and hands to go and I started walking with chuck behind me. After a few awkward minutes of silence I decided to break it "Sooo... you, are a... boy and stuff!" I had no idea what to say but I had to keep going if I ever wanted to talk to him again "that's cool I know a few of those, I'm not one of course but you know... yay gender!" I was probably making a bigger fool if myself that chuck felt. I looked over to chuck to see his reaction and when our eyes met we both burst out laughing. When our laughter died down we had almost reached the tree house. I thought the rest would be smooth sailing but if course not.
Pan just had to pick this time to show up and ruin my escape. "Hello Danielle! and Chuck, lovely day for a stroll isn't it?" pan said and walked out of the trees in his normal swagger (dude he gots lots of it, you can't deny that) Chuck jumped but me being here for while with pan popping up disturbing your sleep I was used to this. Joy we got to deal with him, hopefully chuck could act.
So picture of chuck above yes he is the chuck from TMR. And I am super excited about the selection movie being made I think Karen Gillian, Emma Watson, or that Audrey lady should play America. my decisions may be biased but they are great options. tell me what you think!

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