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Danielle's Pov
I was messing with the lock when some kid came to the cages. I quickly hid my stuff and tried to act asleep. After a while I got bored of sitting there so I stealthily reached my hand into my backpack which had any supplies I would need on the island. I grabbed my vial of squid ink and coated an arrow in it knocked and released. the arrow only skimmed the skin but it was enough to get the ink on him. He froze and I got back to work using my bobby pin as a lock pick. I was about to get it when I heard a strange bird noise, I looked up to find the kid making it. I had forgotten about them being able to still talk. I worked faster than before. When I heard a click I opened the door grabbed the lock and threw it at the head of my guard knocking him unconscious. I leaped out of the cage and swung myself to the top from there I climbed the tree it was tied to. but before I could go any further an arrow grazed my arm making me lose my balance. I fell down onto the ground with a painful thud and preceded to lose conciseness. The last thing I saw was a bunch of lost boys surrounding me.
Pan's Pov
I was sleeping fine until Felix came into my tent. He looked panicked and a bit scared "What's wrong" I asked immediately he gestured his head for me to follow him and I did. We walking to the cages and when I got there I saw Danielle falling from a tree and landing in the ground. The lost boys crowded around her and I started pushing my way to the front. When I got there I saw Danielle unconscious on the ground.
(Okay anyone who is a big oncer read the author note because it will blow your brain out, okay? good.)"what happened here!?!" I roared. "um... the girl tried to escape pan" one kid said. I pinched the bridge of my nose "okay take her to the infirmary" we did have a infirmary because several of the boys got injured during training. I walked back to my tent to get some sleep I would deal with Danielle later.
Danielle's POV
I groaned when I woke up, I did not feel good. I sat up and looked at my surroundings, where the hell am I? This was not my tree house! It wasn't the ground either. So where am I? It smelled strongly of alcohol and there were bandages and cots everywhere. Is this the clinic for lost boys? Probably, lost boys are chopping off, cutting, and breaking things left and right. I swung my legs over the edge of the 'bed' and stood up. I walked to the opening of the large tent and peered out. What I saw shocked me, a bunch of lost boys faces blocking my exit. This confused me but I guess they hadn't ever clearly seen a girl in a while. Usually I was running from them or trying to kill them so not much of opportunity. I peeled back the flap all the way and stepped out. The list boys moved out of the way to let me get out. I solemnly walked along the path they created while they stared at me. When I got out of the crowd they just sort of turned to look at me, it was really creepy. On one side there was a bunch of boys staring at a girl and on the other side was one girl staring at a bunch of boys. That is until pan came in, he waved his hand and dismissed them. They scattered and went back to their tasks. Pan walked over to me, this time like a normal person none of that strutting. "Morning" I said in greeting "afternoon" he replied. "what?" "it's afternoon not morning" "oh" we stood there in silence not know what to do. "nice weather today" I said all I got was a grunt in reply, I forged on "not to hot or cold doesn't look like its going to rain makes a girl wonder where chuck is" I said I looked suspiciously to the side to see how pan was reacting. His face looked weird, his eyes looked brighter and his mouth was turned skyward and there was this weird sound coming from his lips. He was laughing. I managed a nervous one and he looked at me strange "okay so you can laugh but I can't?" I asked annoyed "yeah, basically" I rolled my eyes. "why don't you get some food Danielle" pan suggested I agreed and he led me to a pot with soup in it. We both grabbed a bowl and sat down on a log. It was just silence, nothing wierd or good about it. Just the sound of spoons on wood and the slurping of soup.
Okay I have no idea what this chapter was! Filler? I don't know but here is that oncer thing I promised you: okay so go to google translate and type in English to Greek these exact words "will OUAT ever end" no question marks or anything copy the Greek translation and translate that to English see what happens hehehe! I've gone crazy, that's it!

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