*-*Chapter 12*-*

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Bruh I always forget to transfer the chapter from Quotev to Wattpad-



 Somewhere in Konoha, a girl walks down one of it's busy streets, (e/c) eyes looking around curiously, taking everything in and nothing at all. It's a relaxing day- so relaxing, in fact, that nothing seems to register in her brain quite right. She forces herself to stay awake, stopping at different stalls, starting conversations with other people, picking up different things for sale and asking about them. She's tired, dark eye bags lining her eyes like jewelry. She doesn't seem to mind them, though. They're a constant, something she doubts will ever go away since their first arrival when she was four.

If there's one thing they don't tell you about sleep, it's this: too much sleep gives you eye bags and makes you tired, too. Unfortunately, for her, that's something she's unable to control; no matter how much she tries to even out her sleep schedule, it's useless in the long run, if only because of a slight change in genetics that fucked up her sleep schedule beyond reason since she was a child. There's a lot of different things she's tried to use to help. All sorts of doctors, different medications, different times she's tried sleeping at. Really, that last one is the only one that's worked.

It's been getting better, though. As much as she hates accommodating for narcolepsy, it's something unavoidable, something she has to learn to live with, not manage and control. Really, it hasn't been as bad for a while now, but as she's walking down these streets, she can feel it start to kick in like it always does. The small flashes of colors that both hurt and are pleasing to her eyes, the heaviness threatening to pull her eyelids down and shut. She forces herself to keep walking, because if she stops or sits down, she's more likely to fall asleep than walking. Then she looks up, just so happens to glance over at the Hokage monuments overshadowing Konoha, and-

For a minute, she stands still, eyes blinking up at the rock faces. She's gotta be dreaming- there's no way this is real, right? She probably fell asleep while walking despite her efforts (dammit), so she pinches herself. It hurts, so this is definitely not a dream. Her face splits into a smile, a laugh bubbling out of her throat. She places her hands on her hips, looking up at it with a tired but still amused expression.

"Oh, Naruto, you've done it now."

Iruka was not happy.

"Naruto!" He chides to an extremely unhappy Naruto (who, by the way, is tied up with a rope in the middle of the floor. You don't even know if that's legal, but whatever). "You've failed the last graduation test, and the one before that. You shouldn't be goofing off, you idiot!"

"Man, Iruka-sensei looks pissed," Rena says from around Shikamaru. You nod, reaching around him to answer as well, ignoring Shikamaru's weary sigh as you and Rena start whispering to each other.

"Naruto graffiti'd the Hokage faces this morning," you explain. Her mouth forms a silent 'O' in understanding, then she cackles quietly and looks down at Naruto again. You don't need to see her to know she's silently applauding him. Rena always did love pranks like that.

Naruto blatantly ignores Iruka, turning his head with a 'hmph' away from him. A vein pops out of Iruka's forehead, his normally calm demeanor gone. He turns to the rest of the class.

"Alright! That's it! We're having a re-test on the Transformation Jutsu! Even those who passed will retake it!"

Obviously, nobody is very happy about that. There's the usual glares and whispers sent Naruto's way, but he doesn't pay attention to them as usual. You suppose he's gotten used to them, and although they are sorta kinda maybe deserved this time, it's just the Transformation Jutsu- not particularly easy, but not hard either. You look behind you towards Ino and Sakura. The former sighs in exaggeration, and Sakura shoots you a thumbs up and then a glare towards Naruto's direction.

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