Breakdown and Pamperings!

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Gauri's POV

It was an awkward day. I straight away went to my room to have a 30 minutes cry session while I shower. The water flowing all over me washed away some amount of guilt and horror. Guilt , that I am still not over him, today I realized that I was lying to myself the whole time. Horror, that what if he's back in my life again ..... what if this time I hurt him or get hurt by him....what if I destroyed both of us or got destroyed by both , him and me. I let the water only wash my tears and let them be blended with it. As soon as I was done with my shower , I splashed water on my face a couple of times and then finally got dressed as I knew Sidya will be joining us for dinner.

I entered the dining hall only to see Sidya already seated herself at the table, I apologized for joining them late as I sensed the silent rage and side eye looks from my grandfather and my father.

" You should have been at the table a bit earlier". My grandfather said in a cold tone.

" Is that how do you treat your friend , when you invite her for a dinner. My father added with even more harsh tone.

" I am sorry Dada.....I am sorry papa......Sorry Si---dya". My voice broke as tears flowed effortlessly after being scolded at the table.

I was so terrible because of what happened today that I was about to leave the table, but before I could do any such stupidity, Sidya held my hand tight and passed me a reassuring look, that it's okay. We both finished our meal within 15 minutes at the table and respectfully excused ourselves from the table.

In my room

Before I could say anything, she grabbed me so tight , that I couldn't resist my tears, although I had shed most of them during shower, but I can't stop them when she is around.

Sidya- " It's okay....I am here, I understand why you were so hurt at the table. I know the goddamn reason."

" you know what, he drove me back to my home , today. As I got down and stained my dress ."

Sidya- " Where was your driver?"

( I know he must have done this, so that you can't get home in your own car and your stain became the perfect reason for him to force you to get into his car)

" I don't know, where he was. I called him so many times."

" Also after he noticed my dress, I felt too awkward and spilled water on my self which made my dress go transparent . So he didn't let me go anywhere in this condition... I tried my best to refuse, but Shivaay being Shivaay .....he didn't listen to me. He never did, he only know to rule others."

Sidya- "Why does he care now? Jerk. Shivaay Malhotra."

" You know what hurts me is that I remember our last order. And he bought me a new dress ----."
Wait a minute... where's my stained dress then ....god it's in his car. What if someone from his family saw it. Ohh no ....I have to do something!"

Sidya- "Calm down , girl. Call him and ask ."

"Yeah .... I haven't called this number since then....even if I called it wasn't answered."
" I can't risk my self respect again.... What if he doesn't pick up?"

Sidya- "Don't overthink, call him. If he picks up then ask for your dress ..if not let him go to hell."

Breathe breathe breathe
I called.....1......

He picked. Before I could say something he said:

" How are you feeling? I hope you aren't getting cramps."

" Shivaay please, don't do this! For god's sake!"

" What ....I can't understand!"

" This....fake care and concern...... don't you get tired of..... being---- fa----fake?"

" What's the matter. Are you crying Gauri?"

" No, I called, because I forgot my dress in your car.... please take that before anyone could see." I tried my best to cover my cracked voice.

"Don't worry, I cleaned it up for you. And it's in my bag... I will return you tomorrow."

"What ..the ...why did you cleaned it up?
How could you Shivaay?
I am sick of this drama!
How far could you go----!"

" I understand it's your mood swing!"

Plea----se, shiv---shivaay! My voice broke.

" Gauri!!..... what happened? Please don't cry! I am coming!"

"No, you aren't! Please don't come near me!"

I ended the call.

Sidya- what happened! Babe . Ohh dear!"
She wiped the tears from my eyes.

" Sidya I am getting worried about him coming closer to me again."

Sidya-" Just trust God! Every thing will be fine."

We heard honking of car.
My heart fluttered. As I knew who's there.

We both ran towards his car, before anyone else from the house see him.

"Shivaay , just leave!"

Shivaay-" sure, just take these dark chocolates and ice cream!"

" I don't need them... take them back!"

Shivaay-" Ice cream is melting....take it fast!"

" Okay, I will give it to aunty, myself only!"
He was about to enter.. but I grabbed his hand... before he could even enter the lawn.

Shivaay-" Then take it! Gauri!"

" You are impossible....jerk!"

Sidya chuckled ,enjoying the show.

" Bye! Use heating pad on stomach and ice pack on head!"

"Just leave! Bye!"

He left.

Sidya and I came back to my room with chocolates and ice cream.

Sidya- Now, that ice cream is melting...we should have it!?

" Sure , you have it na!"

Sidya- " Now , don't be grumpy, let's have it!"

"Sidya please! I don't want these you have them ....all!"

Sidya-"Your wish!"

As she was having it ....I tried my best not to lose control but he brought my favourite flavour of ice cream, butterscotch, and dark chocolate too , temptation is my favourite.
He knows me too well.

So I also joined her.

" Sidya, don't forget these are for me!"

Sidya-" didn't you realised ,too early "

"Whatever!" I grinned.

We enjoyed the treat. All thanks to the Jerk!

Stay tuned!
Hope you enjoyed it!

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