Chapter 3

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Nick and Cale came to a place which should be some kind of a transportation vehicle, Nick called it a helicarrier.

As they were walking, almost everyone was looking at Cale. But as always the said red head was oblivious to this.

They went to one of the meeting rooms as they wanted to have a talk.
Nick was the first to ask a question.

"Who are you? How did you do that energy shield thing? What is the deal you want?". Nick was asking none stop but Cale sat on one of the seats and relaxed himself and let Nick finish all the questions.

Nick looked at Cale who was zooming out and looking at the screen in front as if not listening to his questions and frowned, but Cale was having a heated discussion in his head.

"Where are we?"said the super rock.
"This seems to be one of earth where Kim rok soo lived"said the thief with uncertainty.
"No this place seems to be a different world". Said the gluttony.
Human what is that screen, human what is that , human human. And yeah a curious little dragon who keep on yapping in his head.

Not getting any response Nick called Cale and he replied immediately as if he was not the one who was zooming out.

"Yes sir for answering your questions".
Cale thought for a while then opened his mouth again.

"So let's start with the introduction shall we. Let me go first, as I had already told you my name is Cale henituse.
I am from another world, if I am not wrong that blue cube, no tesseract is the one responsible for bringing me here.
And the deal is really simple, I guess you need a helping hand to get that cube back and I only need it to go back home. So let's help each other right".as Cale finished speaking.

Nick thought for a while then questioned again,"I guess you want to go home but how will I know that you don't have any utter motive or you won't attack the earth....."

Without letting him complete his word Cale injected,"sir, I can assure you that I don't have any interest in world dominance and all I want is to return back(and live my slacker life), I can even help in searching for the cube and help with your fight(just send me back)".he said this in one breath with utmost sincerity one could show.
Nick can tell the young man in front of him just wants to return home so he agrees.

"Ok, but how will you help us",Nick asked.
"Sir, can you provide the information of tesseract and your team who will help".as he replied he added again.
"Yeah, a mobile and computer, and something to eat. And I want one day".

Nick thought for a while then asked agent Coulson to send a copy of the file sent to Tony stark and add his details also.

He left Cale with agent Coulson and went to meet captain Rogers.

Phil Coulson brought Cale to a room and sent all the requested things and left for stark towers.

Cale looked at everything and signed as he started recording the details and started learning astrophysics.

Cale spent the whole day recording and learning,while Raon was watching cartoons(tom and jerry).

After recording everything, he was ready to start working but he heard Loki(weapon man) was already captured from Germany and was kept in a cell.

So, Cale went to the control room and saw captain Rogers, Bruce banner Natasha Romanoff and Thor, they seem to be talking about tesseract.

He heard Bruce ask about iridium so he replied,"stabilizing he needs iridium for stabilizing the portal so it doesn't collapse on itself like the shield".
As he was replying he felt another presence behind him and turned to face the billionaire, genius Tony stark.

Everyone present there was looking at Cale as he entered there, and as always he didn't notice.

Tony took a quick glance at him and said "what is a kid doing here?", then walked straight to where Hill was and continued speaking. As he was walking he said to Thor,"no hard feelings Point Break you got a mean swing also means the portal can open and wide and stay open as long as Loki wants".

As he was saying this Cale went to one of the seats and sat on it as he heard him talk again.

"That man is playing galaga, he thought we would not notice but we did", then Tony put a hand on one of his eyes and asked Hill,"how does Fury see this".
"He turns" she replied.
"Sounds exhausting".

"Rest of the raw materials agent Barton can get but there is a major component he needs is a power source with high energy density something to kick start",as Tony continued to finish his talk.

Maria asked him,"when did you become an expert on thermonuclear astrophysics".
"Last night's packet, Selvig's notes the extraction theory paper am I the only one who did the reading".

Bruce started saying"Loki needs any particular kind of power source, he'd to heat the cube to 120-million kelvin just to break through the coulomb barrier".

As Cale was listening to this his record started playing as he spoke not knowing he just interrupted Tony"unless Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunnelling effect".
"Well if he could do that he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor on the planet"as Bruce spoke Tony started speaking,"finally someone who speaks English".

"Is that just happened?"captain asked in confusion. Cale hid his smile as he saw Tony teasing Bruce and turned to him and said,"hey apple boy, you seem to know the stuff".

Cale shook hands with him and shrugged,"well I know more than that, the power source should be the stark tower which Loki will use to open the portal and right now he let you guys capture him to split us up. So his plan cannot be interrupted".
Cale dropped the bomb and added again,"if I am not wrong there will be an attack soon", he looks down to see the phone and adds indifferently with a stoic face, "umm in half to a day time at most".

As he finished speaking everyone's face turned serious and Fury asked coming in front of him "how are you so sure?".

"I just analysed the situation, information you provided and Loki's mentality to why he was captured so easily",he said with a shrug.

"What?"Cale asked after not getting any answer from them."let's get the tesseract so I can go home right?",Cale asked uneasily.

"Fuck, Fury where did you get this apple boy from?", Tony said rubbing his arms.

"Huh?"Cale looked at everyone with a confuse written on his forehead with bold font.

Everyone present can't help but coo at the cute teenage boy who has a confuse face after solving such a big problem.
Tony turned the seat in which Cale was sitting and said seriously,"apple boy what is your name?and where is your home? Tell me I will personally send you there after everything is over,ok".

When Cale heard his words his eyes lit up, everyone can see his good mood it was not the stoic face with indifference but he was genuinely happy.
They heard him say,"my name is Cale henituse, I am from a different world.
Because tesseract was misbehaving it opened a portal in my bedroom and sucked me in, so after getting it I can go back".
They heard his voice which can not conceal his happiness.

"Okay after getting it you can go back",said Fury.


3 chapter complete...


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