Chapter 3: Surprise

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Okay, so I'm realizing just how hard it is to keep track of the guys. I didn't expect it to be easy, but it's harder than I expected. I'm understanding the need for a head count. So if you think I'm neglecting any of the boys, please let me know so I can give him some love.


North and I enter the dining room where the others have gathered. On the table is a beautiful spread of food. I see potatoes with gravy, asparagus, broccoli, fruit salad, chicken and dumplings, shredded barbecue chicken for sandwiches, coleslaw, salad, and dinner rolls. It is quite the dinner my boys cooked up, no wonder they started so early.

"Wow guys, this looks delicious!" I gush.

"Thanks, Pookie! It was all in a day's work," Sean smiles and he stretches his arms as if he actually did any work.

"Right, Doc," Luke states sarcastically rolling his eyes. He glances down at my feet, "Cute toes, Cupcake." He winks.

I look down at my toes. Oh! I forgot Meanie was working on them. I didn't check the finished product! They're so cute! On my big toes, he used a white base, and painted black Minnie ears complete with a red bow; he even added a little rhinestone to the middle of each bow. On the other eight toes he used a red base with white polka dots and a black tip.

"Oh, Meanie! They're perfect, I love them!" I jump onto him giving him a big squeeze, getting a whiff of today's scent. Mmm, cinnamon. "You're such a good artist, Gabriel." I smack a kiss on his lips and disengage myself from him, turning to everyone else.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's eat!" At my words everyone moves into action. Owen pulls me to the seat to the right of him, his spot at the head of the table, and Nathan sits on my right. I drape my right leg over Honey's left and hook my left foot around Owen's right ankle. I seem to need some sort of constant contact with at least one of my boys. It's almost instinct.

I pour myself some orange juice and start scooping things onto my plate as they are passed to me. I don't think I'll be able to eat all of it, but I want to have at least a little bit of everything. It all looks so yummy!

Nathan passes me the asparagus, the only thing I've yet to take and I quickly put some on top of my mound of potatoes and pass them to Owen. As soon as he sets the plate down in front of him, he says, "Nathan, welcome home." The sentiment is repeated around the table, with me adding a kiss to his cheek. "Would you like to start us off?"

Everyone starts eating as Honey reports to us on his mission; all went smoothly for the most part, but there were a couple personally trying moments for him, and when he recounts them for us, I lay my head on his shoulder giving it a kiss and rub my hand in circles on his back for comfort.

He finishes, and it's Luke's turn next, who doesn't have much to say, but he does report on the diner, where he still works every now and then.

"Uncle wants you to visit soon, Sang. Says he has a new recipe to try on you," Luke informs me. "Don't know what's wrong with me trying the recipe. I'm convinced he likes you more than me." He pouts.

"Of course he does! What's not to like?" I say cheekily and take a bite of potatoes. Ungh, so good. I moan a little at the taste.

"Why you little..." he starts predatorily. I giggle.

"Okay, Victor, you're next," Owen intercedes before things get too far off topic.

We listen as Victor tells us about the annual concert his parents scheduled for him. Once Victor had turned eighteen, he decided to fight against his parents to play less concerts. He would have told them where they could shove their concerts, but he thinks he would have regretted that. They compromised where he plays one mandatory concert per year, and he'd pick up any other concert as he wished. So far those have been intimate charity things, none of them black tie. He's happier and enjoys playing more because of it. I was so happy he decided to keep playing because I love listening to him whenever possible, though I'm sure if he gave up concerts he'd play for me if I asked.

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