Chapter 10: A New Mad Hatter

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You guys are amazing for being so patient. School and work have been crazy. When I even had a little bit of down time, writing wasn't my first priority, so I'm so so sorry about that. It was a long wait. Also, welcome to my new readers and followers!

Also, please read ending author's note, or if anything, the last paragraph of it.



"Welcome to our family time! Welcome to our happy to be time. This is our festival, you know and best of all, we're here to share it all!" I sing happily as I skip along the sidewalk, holding and swinging Kota's and Nathan's hands, my backpack and water bottle bumping my back with each hop. They're good sports.

"What's that one from, Sweet Pea?" Kota asks fondly.

"Brother Bear! It's perfect, isn't it?" I gush. I mean, I think it's perfect. Have you listened to the lyrics?

"Yes, I am inclined to agree," Kota agrees grinning. I continue to skip and hum merrily to the song as we make our way to the Magic Kingdom.

As we were leaving the hotel, the boys were practically forced to tell me which park is first because if I had been paying any attention, I would have realized we weren't making our way to the tram and making our way by foot to MK. The Magic Kingdom is really the only park you'd want to walk to from our hotel. Well, if you want to make the most of your time, that is, because technically you can walk to any of them.

Anyway, they told me that it only made sense to go to this park first as it's practically THE park of Disney World. I couldn't disagree. The Magic Kingdom is the most magical of all of them.

I realize that we're almost there so I halt my movements and turn around looking for Victor. Apparently I was too quick for him and I catch him red-handed lowering the object of my search from his face.

"Were you taking pictures of me?" I needlessly inquire with a raised eyebrow.

"No," he answers too quickly shaking his head, but the smirk on his face gives him away.

I walk up to My Prince who is holding my camera out for me. I pluck it out of his hands and say, "That's not such a princely thing to do to an unsuspecting princess." He's still grinning, eyes burning bright, as he shakes his head. I grin back and turn to continue on my way.

I'm caught around the waist, though and his voice murmurs in my ear, "Yeah, well, this princess also happens to be my girlfriend, who is just too damn adorable for her own good. Pictures are a necessary evil when it comes to her." His words and feeling him pressed against the entire length of my body sends shivers through me.

"Just promise to delete any unflattering pictures of me?" I say breathlessly.

"Yes, but an unflattering picture of you is impossible," he says.

"Says you. All right, I amend my statement: any picture I, Sang Sorenson, find unflattering is to be deleted," I proclaim officially with a not of my head. All we need is a contract.

"Oy! You'd probably fucking delete all the pictures of you then!" Meanie butts in. I forgot the others were here. It's so easy for me to get lost in them.

"Okay, within reason, then," I say.

"No, fuck, I'll go through them. I'm the only one who has the fucking balls to say when you look like shit, Trouble." So tactful, my Meanie.

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