"Found it!" She yells after searching a file cabinet in the back of the class room. I sigh in relief. I ended up staying past my free period and since I didn't have practice I continued looking even while she was teaching her freshman class but couldn't find it.
"Thank god!" I stand up and stretch and when I put my arms down she turns away immediately. "You ok?" I ask and she nods looking out the window. I walk towards the window and don't see anything. "Uh are you sure?" I ask and her eyes slowly scale up my body until they reach my eyes.
She nods again. "Yes I'm fine. Just happy I found this plan. Now I can figure out exactly how to teach you guys." She says and I nod looking down at her. She releases a shaky breath. "Well we should go. I'm sure you are ready to leave this classroom." She says moving around me and I turn around to watch her pack her stuff.
I shrug. "I mean I don't exactly mind the company." I say and she nods and then puts her coat on. I walk to the front to her desk and I hear her hold her breath when I lean close to her but I just go to pick up my book bag from the chair. "I'm glad I could help though." I say and she nods.
"Uh yes. Thank you Ms. Kingston."
I chuckle shaking my head. "Talia." She smirks and shakes her head. "I'll get you one day." I say and I see her visibly blush. Bzzz! Bzzz! I sigh and take my phone out. "Hello?" I answer and she takes her eyes off me and gathers her stuff.
"Why aren't you out here? I have to go Talia!" Tyson yell over the phone and I remove the phone from my ear.
"Coming now just had to help my teacher with something." I say.
"Just hurry up!" I groan and hang up the phone.
"Worried girlfriend?" She asks and I raise a brow at her.
I scoff shaking my head. "Uh no. It's my brother. He's outside waiting for me so he can drop me off at home." She nods.
"Then let's not keep him waiting." She says and I nod and we head out.
"Are you the jealous type Ms. Romano?"
She chuckles. "Again with the inappropriate conversation starters. I'm not telling you that Ms. Kingston." She says and I sigh.
"It's just a question." I open the door for her and she looks up at me and smiles. "And this is just me being chivalrous." I say and she shakes her head.
"Thank you but still not answering." I nod in defeat. BEEEEP!! We look up to see Tyson waving his hands telling me to come in. "You should go. I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Kingston."
I smile. "Yes you will Ms. Romano. Have a good night."
"You too." She says and walks off to go towards her car. I sigh in content and go to the car.
"Dude what the hell?! What part of don't be late don't you understand?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "And who was that?"
"One I'm sorry and two, she's my new English teacher." I say and he watches her get in her car.
"That's the car from yesterday Talia." He looks at me with furrowed brows. Here we go. "Why were you in the car alone with your teacher? Did she force you in there? Did she do something to you?"
I groan. "No she did not force me! She didn't want me to sit outside waiting for you to arrive in the cold so she offered me to sit in her car and I went willingly. And nothing happened."
He starts to drive. "You lied about who it was though Talia, I have reason to worry." He says understandably.
"Yes I know but it's because you worry so much is why I didn't tell you. It's nothing like that. Seriously it's cool." I say and he sighs and nods.
"I just care about you kiddo."
I chuckle. "I'd be concerned if you didn't." He laughs and we continue going home. We get home and I get out the car as he goes back to the university. Late lectures is why I wouldn't do college. Like once school ends that's it you ain't finding me no where near it.
I get to my room and do the homework from all my classes. I turn on music to fill the silence and 'the fruits' by Paris Paloma plays. I don't have a set music type and don't see how people can. Bzzzz! Bzzz! I look at my phone and see Lucas calling. "What's up?"
"Yo! You weren't outside after school. My mom's came and got me after practice and I didn't see you. Everything good?" He asks.
"Yeah I just stayed to help Ms. Romano out with finding the right lesson plans so she wasn't going backwards again like today." I say chuckling and he laughs.
"Yeah I didn't want to say anything. But it's only been two days and you're already smitten over this woman bud." He says and I furrow my brows at it.
I shake my head. "No I'm not. I'm just being nice Lucas."
"Yeah...but I thought she was on your shit list. You staying after school to help her with something isn't giving shit list more like fuck list." He say and starts laughing.
"There's no fuck list. And you guys made it so awkward so chill with the comments please. It's nothing like that."
He sighs. "Fine. I'm done but I really did call to make sure you were ok."
"Yeah I'm good. Thanks. How is everything going over there?"
He takes a big breath. "Um it's going. He's back so you know."
"Yeah I do. Just come over if it gets too much. Tyson would be happy to have you stay here until college."
"Uh yeah I know. Look I gotta go finish homework but see you tomorrow?"
"Of course Lucas. I love you man." I tell him reassuringly.
"Yeah I love you too. Night." We hang up and I sigh at the phone call. Lucas lives with his mom and they have the most amazing relationship ever. I'm almost jealous but that almost comes with the fact that when her boyfriend Calvin comes around it's like Lucas almost doesn't exist. Calvin is just a dick and is definitely using Lucas mom but she won't hear it not even from her own son. Whenever her and Calvin get into arguments, Lucas tries to stop it and then it becomes too much and he comes over here or Mairas house since they are basically neighbors. It sucks truly.
I finish my homework somehow and get into bed. I let music keep playing as I watch the blade spin. I find myself thinking about Ms. Romano and what Lucas said. I don't want to fuck Ms. Romano but I wouldn't exactly mind holding her hand or hugging her from time to time. I'm not really a physical affectionate person with people I'm not comfortable with but the thought to do it with her is just like a magnetic pull. I hear the front door close and turn off the music. "I'm home!" I hear Tyson yell out.
I stay in bed not responding back just continuing to watch the blades spin. You ever get that feeling where all you want to do is exist and not talk? Yeah I have those a lot. I hate the silence but talking sounds even more exhausting. The door opens to my room and I close my eyes. The light turns off and the door closes back. I open my eyes back to the blades and I sigh. Just another day.

Beyond the Lesson (TXS) (GXG)
RomanceTalia Kingston is an 18 year old senior in her high school. She's top of her class and captain of her basketball team. When she's introduced to a stunning new teacher who immediately gives her detention upon first meeting, how will their unconventio...