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Is it possible to really like someone and then also really dislike them? Because that's exactly how I feel about Verena Romano. Her little stunt last night, did in fact send me sweet dreams but when I woke up from the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear, I realized it was fake and hated every bone in my body from waking in basically a kiddie pool of sweat and well you know.

My point is, she's evil and I have to get her back somehow. But how? "Why are you staring at me like that?" Lucas asks wiping his face as if something is on it breaking my stare.


"I said why are you staring at me like that?" He says going back to doing his science assignment I finished already somehow.

"Something happened last night between Verena and I and I want to get her back for what she did." I say not going in full detail.

He nods. "Ok well that depends on what she did." He looks at me through his lashes when I don't say anything. "Well what did she do?"

"I can't say." He raises a brow. "It's um-private." Her frowns and they his eyes go wide.

"Ohhh. I got you." He nods. "Well then do exactly what she did but 10x worse so she doesn't do it again. Maira did something similar. So she-

I block out my ears. "Eww no stop! I don't want to hear about you two edging each other and then fucking as apologies." I say and he shrugs.

"What I'm trying to say without description, is that it works. And works great." He says wiggling his eye brows.

I chuckle shaking my head. "Just copy it." I say seeing him struggling and he sighs gratefully and starts copying my work.

Class ends and we head to lunch. "There's my beautiful girl." He coos when Maira walks up to us. He wraps his arms around her and they kiss. I roll my eyes and look at my left and see Verena in all her glory. She's in a black turtleneck and sleeveless dress with black heels and her hair pinned up in a messy bun. Her laugh echoes through my mind as if it's the only one. "Yo!" Lucas yells taking my attention away from her.

"Uh yeah?"

He shakes his head laughing. "If you want to go talk to her, go. She's heading to get a drink from the vending machine." He says and she's walking towards the vending machine now. I nod and go for it.

I walk up behind her. "You look rather beautiful today." She turns to me and smiles.

"Why thank you. You look rather comfortable." She says about my outfit choice of my red and black checkered pajama pants, a black tshirt and my black slides.

"Yeah well that's what happens when you miss your alarm after having very vivid dreams." I say and she snickers. "I'm glad you think it's funny," I walk closer to her and lean to her ear. "Because I dreamt about doing the most extraordinary things to you and most of them involved me having you bent over your desk." I hear her suck in a breath and then she looks at me.


I smirk. "But I have to go now so I'll see you in class, Ms. Romano." I say eyeing her up and down and then walking away.

I make it back to the table feeling very proud of myself. "Whatever you just did definitely left an impression." I turn to see her having a conversation with another teacher but she's looking at me while they talk to her. I wink and she blinks away. I chuckle and Lucas fists pumps me.

Maira shakes her head. "She's going to kill you."

"By suffocation or drowning would be preferred." I say and her mouth flies open as Lucas and I laugh.

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