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"Talia!" I groan putting the pillow over my head. Knock knock! "Yo get up! I have to get to work!"

"Maira and Lucas will take me!" I yell and I hear him sigh.

"I was hoping we could talk on the way." He says softer and I sigh. I've been avoiding talking to him because I don't want to lie anymore but I know I can't tell him.

"Just go we'll talk later."

"Uh ok. Um see you after practice." He says and I sigh at even the thought of having to do practice knowing I won't be playing anyway because I was protecting my now ex girlfriend who is just my English teacher. God what the fuck is my life?! I hear his steps fade away and the door closing. I groan in the pillow.

Knock knock! "Yeah?" The door opens and Lucas is in a grey BOOHOO MAN track suit. "How you feeling?" I ask sitting up.

He shrugs and sits on my bed. "I'm good. A slight headache but nothing to major." I nod. "How are you? It's the first day back since you know."

I sigh. "We saw each other last night so it won't be too shocking but I guess knowing she's going to go back to treating me like I'm just another student is going to hit kinda hard." I say and he nods.

"You will never just be another student to her you know. She wouldn't have came for anyone else if it wasn't you." He says and I smile at the thought of her still caring about me but it fades knowing it won't change anything.

"I'm gonna get ready. Give me like 15 minutes." He nods and then leaves. I get up reluctantly and actually take a shower. The water washes down over my body but I don't sulk knowing we have to get to school and I get out to get dressed. I put my wide legged denim jeans, my navy blue Nike hoodie and my timbs with a black beanie. I grab my book bag and head down to see them eating bagels.

"Good morning sleepy head." Maira says and I nod in acknowledgment. "Someone got breakfast delivered for us. This one is for you." She says and handing me the bacon, eggs d cheese bagel and coffee.

"What's that?" I ask seeing a slip of paper under the box. I take it out and read it. 'Should help with the headaches so you can focus in class.~V. I sigh.

"She still cares Talia, she had to break things off doesn't mean she wanted to." Maira says and I shake my head.

"I know. I just kinda wish she didn't care. It would probably make it hurt less."

"Would it though?" I look at her. "I mean you guys love each other if she broke up with you and acted like she didn't care about you, you wouldn't be more hurt?" I sigh and nod knowing she's right.

"You guys had too many barriers. Just wait it out." Lucas says with his mouth full. We finish our food and head out for school in Mairas car.

We arrive and we walk inside with everyone looking at me as we walk to our lockers. "One thing I didn't miss about this place, the gossip."

"No one's mad at what you did but Christian. Everyone likes Verena, Talia so what he did was fucked up." Lucas says getting his books out of his locker and I nod.

"Plus some girls been wanting to get at you but we haven't given them your number." Maira says and I chuckle.

"And don't. I'm officially done with relationships."

"Ehh you said that after Sierra."

"And look where it got me? A black eye, a cut on my face, a busted lip, suspended, and single." I say and they purse their lips not denying it. "Exactly. I'm done."

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