Her class ends and everyone leaves. She closes the door and sighs looking at me. "Jealous of 14 year olds now?" She asks amused.
I shrug sitting back in her chair. "He was looking at your ass."
She chuckles. "And how would you know he was doing that?" She asks walking towards me.
I smirk. "Because I was looking too. But I'm the only one allowed to do it without it being weird."
Her brows raise. "Oh is that so?" I nod and she hums and leans down to grabs my face and kiss me. I hum against her and grab her hips to stand up keeping our lips together. I move so her back is to her desk and I'm standing in between her legs. Our breaths grow heavier and she grips onto my shirt and pulls me closer leaving no space in between us. Knock knock! We separate by her pushing me back when the door opens. She rushes towards it. "Uh yes?"
Mr. Martin appears and I roll my eyes. "Hey I'm leaving out, want to walk out together?" He asks and then his eyes meet mine. "What's going on Ms. Kingston?"
I smile condescendingly. "Nothing, just doing my detention with Ms. Romano." I say and he hums.
"You really should fix that. You're team captain and top of your class. This change in attitude will catch up." He says and I tilt my head at him.
"Thank you for the advice sir." I say and he smiles nodding and then looks back at Verena.
"So?" He asks and she looks back at me.
"Um yes. We can all walk out since her detention is over." She says and he nods.
"Uh yeah sure." He says and I nod to get my stuff and we head out. We walk out with me on her left and him on her right. "So that was some proposal in the cafeteria, I knew you'd guys get back together." He says and Verena and I look at him with furrowed brows.
"You know about your student's relationships?" Verena asks and he shrugs.
"Ms. Thompson and Ms. Kingston were the 'It' couple in their freshman year. Every teacher knows they were together and about the breakup. Sorry about that." He says and I scoff. This guy.
"The 'It' couple huh?" She asks and I roll my eyes.
"It was three years ago, V-Ms. Romano. We're just going as friends this time around. She's just extra." I say and clear my throat. She looks away.
"Yeah well either way you guys are gonna get your groove on." He starts dancing when we make it outside and Verena and I stop to watch him and cringe. Who is this guy? He sees us and stops by clearing his throat and straightening his clothes.
Verena snickers. "Um I'm gonna head home. You two have a good night." She says and he nods and goes to his car across the park. "Well he's um-
"A character, that's what he is." I say and she nods laughing. "Text me?"
"Mm I was hoping to hear your voice actually." I smirk. "So call me?" I nod speechless with how sexy this woman is. "Good." She tugs at my shirt and then walks towards her car and drives off. I take a breath and go to the car to drive home.
I make it home after picking up some pizza and go to set up in the living room. Bzzz! Bzzz! I take my phone out before turning on Chicken Little. "Hello?" I answer putting it on speaker phone while I pour myself something to drink.
"So making me wait so I can call you was your plan?" My heart stops at the sound of her voice.
"Uh no. Um I swear I just got home. I was just about to eat and call you while I watched a movie." I say quickly.
She chuckles. "Aww you're cute when you're nervous." Heart be still. "Well I'm glad you have food. What are you watching?"
"Uh Chicken Little."
She hums. "Again, cute."
"What are you doing?"
She sighs. "I am relaxing in my robe while I sit on my couch and sip on my wine listening to music." Oh god.
I look down at the cup and it's spilling out root beer. "Shit!" I exclaim sitting the bottle down and going to paper towels.
"Is everything ok?"
"Uh yeah! I just spilled something. But um yeah that sounds relaxing."
"Mm it is. Do you drink, Talia?" She asks.
"Are you asking as my teacher or as the woman I'm dating?" I ask with a raised brow as I wipe the soda off the counter and floor.
She chuckles. "You got me. It was a trick question but yes now I'm asking as the woman you're dating."
"Yes I do but not a lot. Honestly only when I go to parties with Maira and Lucas. They're a bad influence sometimes." I joke.
"Eh just sounds like you're a stick in the mud to me."
I scoff in disbelief. "A stick in the mud?" She hums. "Are you encouraging drinkinging underage?" I ask with a smirk and walk to the living room.
"No I'm not but I'd be lying and a hypocrite if I said I wasn't drinking at 18 in Italy."
"Well that's because it's legal there. But if you're wondering if I'm going to drink all your wine and replace it with grape juice," she laughs. "I won't."
"Well good. I love my wine but anything else is just too much now."
"You say that as if you're old."
"I have what they call, Un'anima vecchia."
I bite down on my lip to hide the moan that definitely would have came out. "Mm I have no idea what that means but it's sounded sexy when you said it."
She chuckles and I hear her take a sip of her wine. I can only imagine the taste of her lips. "It means old soul." I hum. "I thought you understood Italian."
I shrug. "Some things I use context clues for."
"Ah you're using English on your English teacher." I chuckle. "Well then do you know what this means? Ti voglio qui adesso." Oh fuck.
I close my eyes and lean my head onto the back of the couch. "Ummm no but I understood the now part."
"Mm very good, Ms. Kingston." Oh shit. "Do you want me to go slower or do you want me to just say it?"
I swallow with my eyes still closed fantasizing her being on my lap as she talks to me and her hands all over me. "Um s-say it?"
"Is that a question or are you telling me?" What is she doing to me?
"Say it Verena." I say more confident but my heart feels like it's going to give out.
"Mm I said, I want you here right now." Fuck. "Did you hear me, Ms. Kingston?" I nod but realized she can't see me. This woman has me wet and imagining the most beautiful things I've never even thought of doing before now.
I clear my throat. "Uh yeah I-I heard you."
"Good. Now I'll leave you to your movie and dinner." My eyes snap open. There's no way.
"It was nice talking to you but I have to get to bed. The teachers have staff meetings early on Wednesdays."
"Verena please don't go."
She chuckles. "You're cute. We'll talk more tomorrow. Good night."
"Ver-" she hung up. Damn it! I go to our messages.
Me: I am definitely getting u back for this
Verena❤️: i don't know what you're talking about but have very sweet dreams😘She's a temptress. That's the only thing that explains it. I groan and turn on Chicken Little to get my mind off being completely edged by my English teacher. My very sexy and beautifully designed English teacher. What the hell is my life?

Beyond the Lesson (TXS) (GXG)
RomanceTalia Kingston is an 18 year old senior in her high school. She's top of her class and captain of her basketball team. When she's introduced to a stunning new teacher who immediately gives her detention upon first meeting, how will their unconventio...