Hope Romanoff
Just when we said goodnight to Regan, Scarlett and Daniel also decided to go to sleep. They will probably look for a job for Daniel. We said them goodnight and Max and I were alone.
"So, what do you think of them?"
"The couple?" He nodded. "They seem really nice and very understanding." He put his finger on his chin.
"That did also catch my eye. But they do seem nice."
"But what do you think of Regan?" He asked with a smirk.
"What do you mean? She's nice, yes, but nothing special."
"You sure?"
"Wait! You don't think I like her?!" I yelled at him. He began to laugh loudly.
"Ofcourse not! I was just teasing you. I know you don't like her." I let out a deep sigh.
"That was not funny, what if she thinks that?" He began to laugh even more. "What's so funny?"
"Because you really think that. Oh, please if she thought that she would ask it."
"I guess you are right, but still not funny."
He shrugged his arms.
"What about you? Do you have anyone in mind?" I asked after an awkward silence.
"Hope! You know I don't do that shit."
"Hey, calm down a bit. I'm not shit."
"You do behave like one." He said sticking out his tongue.
"But no for real, there is no guy hanging around in your mind?"
"That's what I tell you every fucking day! There are no hot guys in our school! Unless you can make one out of thin air." He was more annoyed by the fact there were no hot guys rather then I was asking him this.
"You are right though, there are no hot people in our school. Maybe an extremely hot and handsome guy will walk through our school this year?"
"I don't care about girls like you do. I want MEN! And I don't think a guy like that will walk the halls, I mean have u seen our school? It's full of bullshit." He yelled. I hope it wasn't too loud, so the others won't be woken by his stupid irritating voice.
"Yeah, yes, I know. Now, I'll go to bed. It's too late for me to talk with you. I'm losing braincells as we speak."
"Haha, very funny. Don't die on your way there!" He said.
We exchanged middle fingers, and I left the room. I chose a room with red wallpaper and immediately went to sleep, before I fell to sleep, I heard a door open. Probably Max who decided which room to pick.
*The next day*
I was slowly waking up. When I fully woke up, I looked at the clock next to my bed. It was only 7 o'clock. I had something of 2 hours before we had to go to school. So, I didn't waste time and put on some other clothes, I've created for each member of our group a closet with perfectly fitting outfits and more. I walked out of my door to see if anyone was awake. And the hall was completely empty.
"Great everyone is still sleeping. I'm alone, again."
Or so I thought. As I was walking to the kitchen, I heard voices coming from a dorm. It came out of Daniels room. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but I couldn't resist the temptation and walked closer to the door. When I was against the door, I pushed my head against it. I could clearly hear the voice of Daniel and Scarlett. They were having a conversation.

A Vigilantes Story
حركة (أكشن)Maximus, Max for short, and Hope Romanoff are 17-year-old twins who discover they have superpowers one summer. They decide to keep their abilities a secret to avoid hurting anyone. Meanwhile, Regan Barnes is a 17-year-old girl recruited by the milit...