Chapter 7 - An odd meeting

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"Violet Baudelaire?" Someone stepped into the room. Dressed in the Firestarters' uniform, their voice was surprisingly gentle. This just made the Baudelaire children even more uneasy and Violet pushed herself back to the wall as far as she could, looking at Klaus with wide eyes.

The person scoffed and stepped forward, unlocking the chains from Violet's wrists with a swift click, and grabbed her. Despite being only a bit taller than Violet, they were much stronger, hauling her up easily and dragging her out. She struggled against their grip, and looked back at her siblings one last time. "Klaus! Sunny!!" She cried, as she was forced to walk forwards.

The person shut the door, and Violet looked desperately back at the piece of metal separating her, Klaus and Sunny. The Firestarter yanked her arm, walking briskly down the hallway with Violet's arm in their vice-like hold, until they reached a door.

It was a plain door, like the others, but the inside was magnificent. There was a library, with books large and small of every colour, kept neat and dust free on the shelves, large cushions on the plush velvet sofas.

As Violet scanned the room, she felt even more and more confused. Why did the Firestarters have such a large, beautiful library?! There was a cough, and Violet looked around quickly.

Calm as usual, his sinister presence sending tendrils of fear towards Violet, wrapping around her mind and instilling fear in her heart, sat the Man with a beard but no hair on his chair, infront of a desk stacked with books.

"Stand aside, Adrianna." He commanded, glancing up at the Firestarter who had dragged Violet in, and Violet frowned. Adrianna was a nice name, she thought, but then quickly snapped out of it when the Firestarter walked behind him, to the back of the room, their hood still up. She wondered what they looked like, under the hood.

The Man with a beard but no hair looked at Violet over his red glasses, and she shuddered under his gaze.
"Sit." He said, and Violet hesitantly sat down in the chair opposite him. It was comfy, and she waited for him to speak again.

He looked at her for a few seconds.
"You are such a lovely girl, and clever too. Your parents must have been proud."

Violet looked at him, and then she glanced around the room. That is not what she had expected, and she was confused. He looked at her expectantly, like he was waiting for her to say something.
"I.. I hope so?"

He laughed.
"Of course you do. Now, I believe your parents trusted you, and told you things?"

Violet's heart dropped. He wanted information, and she looked at him. His face had a calm expression, serious, but not unkind. This just confused her even more.
"I'm not too sure I understand what you mean..?"

The Man with a beard but no hair leant forward slightly, over the desk, before speaking in a measured tone.
"I have a proposition for you, Violet."

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