Chapter 22 - Two wrongs don't make a right

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Violet woke up, in a comfy bed with silk covers, and she rubbed her eyes. As she opened them more, an open gush of panic spilt through her veins. There was blood, unmistakable, crimson, fire red, staining her fingertips, aswell as a dark, metallic ash on her palms. The events of the last day came back in a painful hit, and she sat up.

The smell of smoked was burnt into her soul, and she could smell it as she got up. She looked around around the room. It was different than the one she and her siblings had shared when held captive. It was smaller, darker, with only a few decorations and things for entertainment.

There was a little kitchen unit and a basket, full of torn, smoke-stenched and blood splattered. To her surprise, Adrianna walked in. The bruise on her cheek was a dark blue, with brown and green patches in it. Violet winced as she imagined how much it must of hurt.

"Good morning." Adrianna told her. Violet grimace. Neither of them thought it was a good morning, but it is something polite people say to greet eachother.
"So.. what's happened?" Violet asked, and Adrianna shrugged.
"We've been demoted. We're now practically in charge of all the chores and house keeping, food and things." Adrianna said with a sigh, and Violet didn't have much reaction.

She was just grateful to be alive.

The day went strangely, noone coming to see them, just orders crackling through the microphone at the end of the cramped, narrow hallway. Adrianna was in the middle of making cups of tea for a Firestarter meeting over retrying to get The Sugar Bowl. And then Violet knew what she had to do.

It was a wicked thing to do, but to wicked people. So that evened it out, right? Violet thought hopefully to herself. Two wrongs don't make a right. She sighed. She had nothing to lose, anyways.


Klaus smiled at Sunny as he woke up, stretching beneath the soft covers. He had agreed to Kit's idea, and she had welcomed him and Sunny into her home. It was cosy, quite small. There was a spare room, and one with a cot and some baby toys for when her daughter arrived.

Klaus and Sunny chose the guest room, and they were glad. Sunlight filtered brightly in, the duvet trapping the heat like a greenhouse, warming the pair up. Klaus got out of bed and changed into some clothes Kit had given him. He had to fold up the trousers, and roll the sleeves, but apart from that it was a good fit.

Picking up Sunny, who gave an annoyed squawk at having to be taken from her cozy, nest-like bed. They walked into the kitchen. Kit was there, smiling at them.
"I put some toast in for you, and I prepared some raw carrots for Sunny."

"Thankyou so, so much," Klaus told her, Sunny in his arms, "for everything."
She passes him some toast, and gave Sunny a carrot.
"Your very welcome"
Klaus ate his toast by the kitchen table, his first meal he felt safe to eat.
"D-do you think Violet would still come with us?" He asked quietly, and Kit gave a sympathetic smile.
"I don't know, Klaus. If she chose to be with the Firestarters, then.. I don't think so. But if she's been blackmailed or gaslighted by them, we can get her out. Yeah?"

He nodded, and with Kit's words he felt better about the whole situation. To know that Violet might be able to come back to him, and they could be a family again, and live with Kit and her baby, when she arrives.

Life might just be good again, he thought hopefully. A flicker of a smile crossed his face.


The next day came, a cold icy sun peeking over the snowy mountains, the dark sky erupting into flames of orange and red, before giving away to a pale blue.

Violet's dreams were ravaged by nightmares prowling through her mind. She woke up abruptly, her face pale and her heart drumming rapidly against her chest. She looked to Adrianna, who was sleeping softly in her bed, a calm expression lingering on her face.

Violet sighed and got out of bed, and walked to the dingy bathroom, changing and brushing her teeth, staring at her reflection in the smeared, dirty mirror. Dusty cobwebs stuck stubbornly on the side, creating a picture frame around Violet's tired, anxious figure

Her robes hung down, dragging her down. They were too big, so they enveloped her like a shadow, like the shadows around her eyes, a reminder that nothing about her or her situation was ok. She leant over the sink, her hands gripping the dusty china. Atleast her wrists weren't in painful shackles this time, she thought to herself.

She opened the door to see Adrianna stirring in her bed, sinking deeper into mattress. Her dark hair spread out from her head like a fan against the pillows, her eyelids fluttering as she dreamed. Violet stepped to the kitchen bit as quietly as she could.

The wheels and cogs were turning in Violet's mechanical mind, formulating a plan, a wicked one, but to wicked people. She looked at the teapot, the water boiled and ready. She loaded it onto the tray, with two cups, just how the Man with a beard but no hair and the Woman with hair but no beard liked it. She dropped in a ginger tea, bitter and unsweetened.

It swirled around in the water, orangish in colour. Violet steeled herself, and walked to the door. To her surprise, it wasn't locked, and she stepped out into the corridor. It was straight, with other closed doors around the hallway, dimly lit with candles. There was a staircase at the end.

Carrying the tea as carefully as she could, Violet awkwardly walked up the stairs, the china clinking together with each step up.

She reached the top, the familiar corridor with the large, light windows stained red, illuminating the entire hallway with opaque crimson. Casting her eyes left and right, she thought to herself hard, frustrated she didn't know the answer.

Where on earth would the small vial Meducoid Mycelium?

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