Chapter 10 - Library of dreams... or nightmares?

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Violet fiddled with her hands under the intense gazes of the Leaders of the Firestarters.
The Man with a beard but no hair tilted his head.
"Do you agree to help us?"

After a second of thought, Violet knew what she had to do. If playing into the Firestarter's hands meant she and her siblings would live, she would do it one hundred times over.
The Woman with hair but no beard clapped her hands. "Amazing! We know the rough whereabouts of The Sugar Bowl, and we will be departing as soon as possible."

Violet nodded, and tucked her hair behind her ears, her fingers cold against her skin. The Man with a beard but no hair addresses her again.
"And Violet, do not tell your siblings," his voice was sinister, a threat buried under a kind tone, "let this be our little secret."

Once the Firestarters had finished talking to her, answering any questions she had about the Sugar Bowl, Adrianna opened the door for her and Violet left the room. It shuts behind her, the sudden noise making her startle. She stood in the quiet hallway for a second, before she heard hushed voices coming from the room.

Crouching closer, quieter, Violet focused intently.
"When should we tell her?" Adrianna asked quietly.
"Some time today. Perhaps, when we go to our meeting you can break them the news."
"After all, we want all three of them to know."

Footsteps started to come closer and Violet felt her heart speed up, and she rushed back to the Baudelaires' room.

She opened the door, and Klaus hurried to her.
"You're back!" he exclaimed, looking relieved. Violet smiled.
"Of course I came back," she picked up Sunny, "I will always come back and find you two."

The day passed strangely, Klaus reading while Violet sat, thinking, and Sunny was napping. Klaus adjusted his glasses and looked over his book.
"Violet, do you know why we are here? Surely if they had bad intentions we would be dead by now.."

Violet thought. Because she was going to help them. But of course, she could not tell her siblings about it.
"I don't know.. they're probably going to let us go when they realise we have nothing. And don't be silly, Klaus, they wouldn't kill us!"
Klaus frowned, looking at the un-healed, deep cuts on Violet's palm, from the barbed wire.
"Hush, Klaus. Don't worry! Whatever happens, I will take care of you. You trust me, right?"
"Of course!" Klaus answered quickly, nodding. Of course he trusted his older sister, but not the information being fed to them.

There was a knock on the door, and they looked up. Adrianna stood in the doorframe, her expression unreadable.

"There shall be a meeting going on. So if you need anything do not disturb the meeting, come to me or stay put. There is another library outside and to the left of you would like more books to read."

Klaus and Violet listened to her words and nodded. He was excited whenever he went into libraries, enemies or not. Violet smiled at Adrianna.

"We understand. Thankyou!" She called out after her, as she swished away, her dark robes rippling as she left. Adrianna made no acknowledgement to Violet's thankyou, and disappeared down the corridor.

"That's great news, Klaus! Should we go see the library?" She asked hurriedly, because she knew he was curious about the meeting, and would most definetly ask if Violet knew anything about it. And that was information she was forbidden to tell, so she quickly distracted him with the prospect of books.

"Come on Sunny," Klaus took his little sister's hand in his, and nodded to Violet.
"Yes, let's go."

They walked through the dimly lit windowless corridor, the air warm and stuffy. The faint smell of smoke reached the Baudelaire siblings, and Violet quickly opened the door marked with a sign of 'Library'.

Klaus, however, stood looking at something on the other side of the corridor. He was transfixed by the sight, the sight of a heavier door with light trying to escape through the small crack in it, a cold draft coming through.

Klaus felt relief wash through him like the cool air around the door, as he walked to the thin barrier keeping them from outside. He grabbed the handle, rattling it.
"No, Klaus, you mustn't! It's locked anyways!" Violet objected, taking him by surprise.
"But we can escape!"
"Where would we go, Klaus. We don't know where our parents are, and these people are taking care of us."

Klaus sighed. It was clear that Violet wouldn't budge, so he followed her into the library.

Bookshelves were stacked as high as the ceiling, a staircase spiraling around the outside with desks and warm lights and comfy green chairs furnished the room, a large chandelier hanging down from the ceiling like a spider, and the all three children felt their eyes widen.

It was the library of Klaus' dreams, larger than their parents' one, filled to the brim with books to the point it was overflowing, the colours and sizes and pages and pages of letters, of words overwhelming him.

Violet smiled as she looked around. Although she wasn't as passionate about reading as Klaus, she still loved libraries, and the information they held. Sunny was in a state of wonder, the room bigger than any she had ever been in.

And so the Baudelaires read, Klaus reading so quickly, taking in all of the words urgently, the story hooking him in its paper and ink hold. They read for a couple of hours, both siblings caught up in their books while Sunny sat comfortably in the chairs. They heard the faint hum of voices occasionally, supposing that the meeting was being held in the room next door.

Adrianna walked into the room, the Baudelaires all turning to look at her. Her hand was in the folds of her robes, clutching something beneath the thick black fabric.

"Can we help you?" Klaus said nervously, in a hushed tone and he pushed his glasses up with the back of his hand. Violet also gazed curiously at Adrianna, who glanced between them and sighed.

She pulled from her robes a smooth, shiny metallic object, cylindrical in shape with two small letters carved into the side.

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