Boat Ride

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Next up on the family's list of things to see was the bamboo grove. Yusho had arranged for him and his sons to take a scenic boat ride on the river to the grove, and all five of his boys were very excited.

Yuri was particularly excited to see the bamboo grove, as he had a passion for plants. "Did you know that bamboo is a grass?" he asked his brothers. Yugo blinked in surprise. "It is? I thought it was a tree?"

"Nope!" Yuri said, pleased to have a chance to educate his family on plants. "It's a grass! And did you know that pandas can't actually digest bamboo? They can only digest the juice!"

"Why do pandas eat bamboo if they can't digest it?" Yuya asked, confused. Yuri shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I'm a plant expert, not a panda expert."

"Look at those cliffs!" Zarc exclaimed, pointing at the impressive rock formations and cliffs their boat was passing. His brothers oohed and ahhed and started taking photos. Yuto squealed when he saw some monkeys in the river, immediately snapping a few photos of them. "So cute!"

"Aw, look!" Yuya cried, pointing towards the monkeys. "There's a baby monkey! Look! On its mother's back!"

Yusho chuckled, enjoying his sons' excitement. This scenic boat ride was more than worth the price!

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